David A. Black
Hi --
The things I'm talking about are not MRI quirks, though; they're ways
of modeling why things happen the way they do in (what I still insist
on thinking of as Ruby itself. I definitely do not believe it's a
good idea to embargo all observations about the Ruby object model,
beyond "objects have methods", on the grounds that they're just
artifacts of MRI.
super is a good example. A lot of people who've used Ruby for a while
have a general -- or, I should say, specific -- idea that super calls
"the same method, in the superclass".
Consider this code:
module M
def talk; puts "In M"; end
class A
include M
def talk; puts "In A"; super; end
a = A.new
a.talk # => In M\nIn A
Two observations. First, any interpreter that did not produce the
above results -- and for which an account involving method lookup
along a class/module path therefore did not make sense -- I would not
describe as a Ruby interpreter. Obviously, if Matz removes classes
from Ruby (or whatever), things will change. But as of today, and the
foreseeable future, Ruby produces that result.
Second, I see no reason to tie my hands, in trying to account for the
behavior of super (and a whole bunch of other things), by ruling out
of court an account of the method lookup heuristics of the Ruby object
trying to resolve a message. I don't mind if it's slightly
anthropomorphic, or if parts of it are optimized away by such-and-such
an interpreter. The high-percentage thing, at least for someone
learning Ruby, is to gain the ability both to understand as much code
as possible and to bring as many productive techniques as possible to
bear on writing code.
Yes, that would be chapter 15
The thing is, I'm a great non-believer in the "winner take all",
zero-sum approach to these things. Prompting people to rethink the
notion of an object "having" methods, so that they start to see the
message-resolution heuristics more clearly, in no way entails *not*
using the techniques you've listed here for explanatory purposes. I
don't feel I have to choose.
(Or which ones it will be able to find on its lookup path
Right -- thus one circles back to it. Believe me, I'm not the "has"
police I say "has an x method" all over the place. I just find
that teaching people that there's more going on -- and, specifically,
positioning that "more" as residing under the hood of the "has" -- is
very productive.
David A. Black / Ruby Power and Light, LLC
Ruby/Rails consulting & training: http://www.rubypal.com
Now available: The Well-Grounded Rubyist (http://manning.com/black2)
Training! Intro to Ruby, with Black & Kastner, September 14-17
(More info: http://rubyurl.com/vmzN)
David said:Hi --
As you [Rick] say, the location of such intelligence is a question that
wait until someone starts poking around in the interpreter.
Yes and no. I'm all for poking into interpreters (if you don't believe
me, see http://ruby-versions.net but I absolutely don't believe
that one has to hitch descriptions of Ruby's object model to
descriptions of specific interpreters.
Exactly. There might be a compatible ruby interpreter in which each object
really does "have", in every possible sense of the word, all of the methods
that obj.sendmethods) lists. The difference between this and MRI with its
own lookup algorithm is unlikely to matter to a beginner, as long as s/he has
a consistent way of talking about the methods that an object responds to, and
how they got that way.
The things I'm talking about are not MRI quirks, though; they're ways
of modeling why things happen the way they do in (what I still insist
on thinking of as Ruby itself. I definitely do not believe it's a
good idea to embargo all observations about the Ruby object model,
beyond "objects have methods", on the grounds that they're just
artifacts of MRI.
super is a good example. A lot of people who've used Ruby for a while
have a general -- or, I should say, specific -- idea that super calls
"the same method, in the superclass".
Consider this code:
module M
def talk; puts "In M"; end
class A
include M
def talk; puts "In A"; super; end
a = A.new
a.talk # => In M\nIn A
Two observations. First, any interpreter that did not produce the
above results -- and for which an account involving method lookup
along a class/module path therefore did not make sense -- I would not
describe as a Ruby interpreter. Obviously, if Matz removes classes
from Ruby (or whatever), things will change. But as of today, and the
foreseeable future, Ruby produces that result.
Second, I see no reason to tie my hands, in trying to account for the
behavior of super (and a whole bunch of other things), by ruling out
of court an account of the method lookup heuristics of the Ruby object
trying to resolve a message. I don't mind if it's slightly
anthropomorphic, or if parts of it are optimized away by such-and-such
an interpreter. The high-percentage thing, at least for someone
learning Ruby, is to gain the ability both to understand as much code
as possible and to bring as many productive techniques as possible to
bear on writing code.
I'd explain these concepts in terms of the basic tools that I, even after
years of rubying, still use to explore the capabilities of an object:
irb(main):001:0> s = "foo"
irb(main):003:0> s.methods.grep /slice/
irb(main):005:0> s.class.ancestors
irb(main):006:0> String.instance_methods(false)
irb(main):007:0> s.method :dup # to find out where the method came from
=> #<Method: String(Kernel)#dup>
Yes, that would be chapter 15
The thing is, I'm a great non-believer in the "winner take all",
zero-sum approach to these things. Prompting people to rethink the
notion of an object "having" methods, so that they start to see the
message-resolution heuristics more clearly, in no way entails *not*
using the techniques you've listed here for explanatory purposes. I
don't feel I have to choose.
I still think of objects as having methods, because Object#methods tells me
what methods an object has.
(Or which ones it will be able to find on its lookup path
That's not incompatible with talking about how an object came to have those
methods, and all the different ways that can happen.
Right -- thus one circles back to it. Believe me, I'm not the "has"
police I say "has an x method" all over the place. I just find
that teaching people that there's more going on -- and, specifically,
positioning that "more" as residing under the hood of the "has" -- is
very productive.
David A. Black / Ruby Power and Light, LLC
Ruby/Rails consulting & training: http://www.rubypal.com
Now available: The Well-Grounded Rubyist (http://manning.com/black2)
Training! Intro to Ruby, with Black & Kastner, September 14-17
(More info: http://rubyurl.com/vmzN)