Daniel said:
Kai-Uwe Bux said:
From the FAQ:
In particular, if these inner array-like objects end up allocating
their own block of memory for their row [or column] of the matrix,
the performance overhead for creating / destroying your matrix
objects can grow dramatically.
If I want to access just one element in the array, must I create a row
or column proxy?
Note the "if" in the FAQ. In reasonable implementations, there is no
overhead for accessing a single element via a proxy.
The "all true Scotsman" fallacy, you are giving "reasonable" a special
Please note that I do not give any definition for "reasonable".
I responded by observing that what you quote from the FAQ is a conditional
statement starting with an "if". Such a statement does not apply whenever
the hypothesis is false.
I also commented, that in reasonable implementations, the proxies are
optimized away. To deal with your contention that there might be an
overhead in using [][] for element access, a much weaker statement would
suffice, namely the existence of implementation that do no incur overhead.
In short, I do not see any "true Scotsman" fallacy in my reasoning.
Now that the fallacy comment is out of the way, I just would like to
reiterate the point that the fear of overhead in [][] over (,) is
unfounded. I provided a reference for a post where I backed up that claim
with empirical data. Of course, such claims and measurements are compiler
specific. I would appreciate if someone could show an optimizing compiler
that makes [][] slower than (,) given the simple implementation from
(from FAQ 13.12)
If you have a decent compiler and if you judiciously use inlining,
the compiler should optimize away the temporary objects. In other
words, the operator[]-approach above will hopefully not be slower
than what it would have been if you had directly called
perator()(unsigned row, unsigned col) in the first place. Of
course you could have made your life simpler and avoided most of the
above work by directly calling Matrix:
perator()(unsigned row,
unsigned col) in the first place. So you might as well directly call
perator()(unsigned row, unsigned col) in the first place.
Is there anything in FAQs 13.10-12 that you specifically object to? If
yes, what is it and why?
I did not address the FAQ. I addressed the virtues of proxies. I think that
A.row(i) += factor*A.row(j);
is much more suggestive notation than
row_of( A, i, j, factor );
Only my refutation of your claim that proxies incur an overhead and
therefore should be avoided for simple element access got us into FAQ area,
and I only responded to the part of the FAQ you quoted.
To me the situation looks as follows:
a) proxies provide very useful syntactic sugar for linear algebra.
b) even with very simple minded proxy implementations, [][] is not slower
than (,).
So what would be the reason, not to provide [][]? Please note that I do not
claim that one should not provide (,).
Kai-Uwe Bux