jacob navia said:
The point here is that we need a portable way of using this
length delimited strings in C. Not a particular
implementation such as mine.
Uhh ... that's exactly what bstrlib does. bstrlib is extremely
portable -- semantically speaking, I argue its even more portable than
CLIB itself since its defined usage is maximal and necessarily
identical over all platforms.
Important is that we have in the standard language a way of using
length prefixed strings in the same way as now we have zero terminated
No. zero terminated strings is the whole problem in the first place.
This is where both buffer overflows and retrograde performance comes
from. The whole CLIB style of '\0' terminated strings forces the
programmer to think in terms of implementation and constantly respin
solutions to common problems. Every other modern language in
existence basically solves lets the programmer think about strings
just as strings. So what we want is something closer to how other
programming languages deal with strings (like Python, Perl, Java,
Pascal, etc), while supersetting the CLIB char * nonsense. Guess what
-- bstrlib *does* this.
Operator overloading makes possible to write such libraries without
too much pain.
Ok, this is a different thing, and it solves a different problem.
This is basically a focus on syntactical concerns more than anything
else -- and its not a very good solution to it either. The set of
operators available are dictated by the syntax/considerations for
arithmetic on scalars. For example if you want a comprehensive vector
library, which operator are you proposing to assign for cross-product,
dot-product, SIMD-product, tensor and trace, while retaining sum and
difference? Ask for enough operations and you will eventually just
run out of operators.
As I have posted before, it would make more sense if there were
*additional* operators (using multipler operator characters and some
previously unused characters such as @, $ to create things that look
like: @+, $*, @==, $^^, etc) that basically had empty definitions
unless actually defined. There are other operator overloading things
such as:
Where the X could be other letters. This gives programmers a way of
using operator overloading without suffering from the confusion of
using previous operators that someone reading the code can easily
mistake for having different semantics from what they think. See?
Its still explicit (something C is useful for) while providing for
more modern functionality.
The C standards people have the opportunity to truly move the language
forward, and in fact get a small leg up over other languages if they
would consider things like this. But they are clearly such
retrograde, short-sighted and as we now see from the C99 debacle, now
ultimately ineffective. The standards committee is stuck in their old
"we have to make sure the VAX people, the embedded people, the super
computer people, the DOS people and the UNIX people can all adopt our
standard while actually doing completely different things in their
compiler" mantra.
The computing universe has changed. People don't want just the minor
silly things in C99 over C89. C still represents the lowest level
language, but there still remain several real problems not solved in
the language.
Jacob, people like you and the guy that is making "D" (Walter B---?)
make me sad. You are both seem overly concerned with such
ridiculously superficial aspects of the language -- yet both of you
two are the only ones putting your money where your mouth is and
converting your capability to make *compilers* to demonstrate the
possibility of evolution of C. Yet you haven't figured out that you
haven't sold your ideas to any significant population of programmers.
There are ideas in programming languages, especially the C-class of
programming langauges that I *desperately* want to see:
1. A preprocessor with "Turing complete" (or close enough) power.
The point is that the LISP people continue to laugh at C
programmers who have no code generation or "lambda"
programming ability.
a) Compile time type assertions to allow for type safe macros.
2. Exposing more important hardware functions such as a widening
multiply, bit scan and bit count operations. Many CPUs have
instructions for accelerating these operations, and its
otherwise fairly straightforward to simulate these operations.
a) Include things like round() and trunc() as seperate
3. For more powerful and useful C library.
a) Fix all the stupid problems like strtok(), gets(), etc.
b) More powerful heap API (freeall(), memsize(), sub-heaps,
totalAllocCount(), allAllocsIterate() etc).
4. Some way of performing a restartable vsnprintf (), or
generally va_* reuse (according to the standard, not the
5. Real co-routines -- none of this setjmp/longjmp nonsense.
6. A scope specific "goto case ____". This kind of functionality
is *mandatory* for implementing fast state machines. Today
programmers are either forced to have redundant case ____ and
labels that are not scope protected or they do is the slow way
(while wrapped switch statement). Think about it -- there is
literally *NO* programming language with control mechanisms
that perfectly match the very common programming idiom of
state machines (except assembly language!)
7. Create an API for making "virtual file" objects. I.e., memory
files, network streams, algorithmic fractal strings, etc. could
be fopen(*,"r")'ed, fread()'ed, etc.
Think about it. This list is a set of *REAL* programming language
improvements, that are not really duplicated by any other language
(well ok, except for CPP improvements, which are duplicated with LISP
lambdas and MASM's preprocessor, of m4 or whatever). If you add these
things I don't see how anyone could *deny* that you were moving the
language forward in a significant way without just trying to be "me
too" with other languages.