Such a document would imply a relationship that was consistent over
time,. That does not seem a realistic expectation.
If someone does know Javascript well enough then she
doesn't need to run for sorry excuses of the type. Who
does not - then of course she needs the sorry excuses. A
sample is just a bit above.
A reasonable test of whether someone knows what they are talking about
is to ask them what they mean and see if they answer (at all, or
meaningfully). In this thread you have been asked to explain what you
mean and you have refused to do so. Anyone who did not already know you
might then reasonably conclude that you do not know what you are talking
about. The rest of already know that your incoherent gibbering is a
direct reflection on your mental processes and so can see that there is
no clearer explanation to be given.
To break the impression you have produced so far you
still may try to explain what "missing [[Get]] for
ActiveX objects" is.
No explanation is necessary. It is an explanation for the fact that
value retrieval operations throw exceptions. That the absence of an
internal [[Get]] method is not the only explanation, and not necessarily
the best explanation, has already been discussed.
You don't have to use English at all for that: just a snippet
of code with //!? comment right-hand side of the weak - by
your opinion - code.
That code has been posted in this thread, followed by the assertion that
it would throw an exception in IE. You inability to recognise that does
not mean it has not happend.
It is a Usenet group, not a development team billboard,
so any code or argumentation outside of the current thread
should be linked or quoted.
You want links? Yes, lets have some links. Lets start with seeing how
good a programmer the person who started a post in this thread with the
words "A really good program/programmer must ... " actually is:-
Do you remember your 'Vector' effort:-
<URL: the one that received the accolade "It uses the most bizarre and
obtuse storage method I've ever witnessed, and it uses it inconsistently
and without any obvious benefits."
And how, embarrassed by that you tired to show off with another
- that turned out to be more of a data mangling object than a data
storage object, and took someone else's efforts to fix. An example that
speaks to not only to the depth of your understanding of the code you
write but also to your abilities in the area of testing your own code as
you posted unaware of how totally flawed it was.
There was that 'rounding' function that did not even manage to output
its resutls with the correct number of decimal places in some cases (let
alone get the decimal digits in that output even close to anyone's
expected results):-
- That was the own that you were still declaring the 'superiority' of
after its faults had started to be pointed out.
Then there was your test code to see if an object was an Array or not,
about which you said "This code as absolutely robust (there is no way to
cheat on it)":-
- regardless of the facts that it both could be 'cheated' (using
standard ECMA 262 3rd Ed. code) and that it modified the length every
Array that was tested with it).
This Array test also highlights your grasp of javascript as a langue,
when you demonstrated your misconception of how the - delete - operator
works (and you claim to have nearly 10 years 'experience' with the
But that misconception was no suppose given your record, and assertions
like "the entire method call must be one line":-
- and code like:-
- along with so very much else over the years.
Eventually we come to browser scripting, and your ability to understand
the browser environment (and so your analytical abilities in general),
and so to this:-
- for example, or my personal favourite where you used the words "as
usual 2 months of experiments are defited by one specs reading..." to
criticise someone for suggesting that Mozilla/Firefox/Gecko browsers
supported the - document.styleSheets - object:-
<URL: >
- which, of course, they do, and have done for a very considerable time.
Meaning that the analysis employed in your "2 months of experiments" had
been so fundamentally faulty as to leave you knowing less at the end of
the process than you had at the beginning.
We end up with the question; how can anyone sane be so very obviously
bad a programming, logic and analysis, be presented with so much
evidence of that, and still think of themselves as being in a position
to give advice on what "A really good program/programmer must" do?
Personally I stick to my long standing conclusion that the explanation
is mental illness on your part. That fully explains the incoherent
gibbering, the inability to understand logic, programming languages, and
to program, the inability to analyse effectively and the
inability/unwillingness to recognise any of these faults in yourself.
My conclusion was re-enforced by observing your last post preceding your
recent 'sabbatical' with the subject "Sanskrit jan and English birth":-
<URL: >
- which is gibberish beyond any doubt. It is such gibberish that it
could only be the work of a madman or be machine generated text, but
even if machine generated it would take a loony to post it to Usenet.
And you apparently thought it on topic in alt.skydiving.
I assume they locked you up for a few months shortly after that. You may
be out now but remember they let you out when you are no longer judged
to represent a physical danger to yourself or others; it does not mean
you are cured. Mental illnesses don't tend to get cured, only managed
(or not).
No one has to read all posts of yours for the last X days
in all threads just to be able to understand what are
talking about.
And nobody has to read more than a sample of your posts to see that even
you don't know what you are talking about, let alone anyone else.