Ultimate programmer's reference - Quickref.org launches


Jürgen Exner

Robby said:
The ultimate purpose of the site is to make a quicker way to access
all of this information

How could anything on the WWW be faster than information on your own local
HD? If you've solved that problem, then you really got something
- whether or not you have local copies. Soon

If you are programming Perl then you have a local copy. It comes with Perl
and is installed with Perl and is freely available to you even without a
connection to the Internet. Can your system beat that?
I'll be adding a full CPAN modules list and more to the site. If

Wow, really? Unfortunately I already found a list at http://cpan.org.
there's content you'd like to see posted I'm very open to feedback.

What about "spending your time on something useful"?


Peter J. Holzer

How could anything on the WWW be faster than information on your own local
HD? If you've solved that problem, then you really got something

That's not that difficult to solve: The pure retrieval time is only a
small time it takes a human being to find the wanted information. Thus a
well-designed search interface can easily provide quicker access, even
if it takes (for example) one second instead of 20 milliseconds to
retrieve any particular piece of information.

Not that I'm saying that the spamvertisered website provides such a
well-designed interface (actually, I haven't even looked at it).


Matt Garrish

Robby said:
QuickRef.org : AJAX-powered site searches for documentation on Perl,
CSS, HTML, HTML DOM, Java, JavaScript, MySQL, PHP, Ruby, and more
languages added all the time. Minimize docs and they show up next time
you visit the site. Instantly access Google search for documents not in
the QuickRef system. Never open 15 tabs or windows again!

You've certainly come to the wrong place to ask people to "digg" your
site. Regular readers in any newsgroup generally know the language
they're using beyond what your site can offer. I wouldn't let that
deter you, as there's always a huge beginner contingent whose audience
you should be after.

That said, in the interests of providing you some constructive
criticism: your site is absolutely hideous. I mean that with the best
of intentions, though. Not only is the layout poorly designed with that
giant google vertical, but the code colouring and screen jumping when
the documentation loads further make it a pain to look at and use. The
whole dropdown concept also needs to be revisted, because the tendency
of most users is to click on the term they want to see the
documentation for, but that only seems to work if you click on a
limited area of the line. If you don't, the options disappear and the
term remains uncompleted in the search box.

And as has been mentioned here elsewhere, you absolutely need to
download and reprocess the free content you're currently hogging credit
for and better format it to work within your site. If you want to
provide your users with a professional experience you can't just try
and hack into existing documents on the web. You'll find quickly that
people will wind up bookmarking those pages instead and whatever hits
you get early on will trickle off.

You might also want to reconsider calling Adobe and Amazon your
"sponsors". I don't think they'd care to have you making that
association on their behalf, when I suspect all you've done is joined
some reseller program.

The idea of having a quick reference to many languages in one place,
however, is certainly sound, so just work on improving the interface.
There are plenty of people who will tell you your site sucks because of
some flaws and bugs they found (you should have done more QA, or
launched as a "hobby" site until working out the kinks) or because
they're just jealous of anything they didn't develop, but don't let
that get you down.



Matt, what does your critique of this person's website design and use
of others' information have to do with the language called Perl, and,
if nothing, why do you feel you are personally exempted from posting


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