Underline just the S in the Submit Button?


Roland Hall

in message
: > Hmmm... who was the first to post with an HTML response? (O:=
: And did you read the whole response?
: Seriously now...

Yes I did and I totally agree with you! *faint* Seriously. I just thought
it was humorous since you provided the first answer, even though you did
direct the OP to a client-side NG. Just poking fun. (O:=

Roland Hall
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Technet Script Center - http://www.microsoft.com/technet/scriptcenter/
WSH 5.6 Documentation - http://msdn.microsoft.com/downloads/list/webdev.asp
MSDN Library - http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp

Dave Anderson

I obviously meant to say, "Yes". It clearly is an ASP forum, and not an HTML

I can write ASP in several languages, including VBScript. It just
happens to be the language used in 95% of the ASP pages I have seen
or worked with.

This alone hardly makes VBScript a more appropriate topic. While you can use
ASP to create something other than HTML, certainly over 95% of the ASP
scripts you have seen create HTML.

Discussions about whether a specific HTML tag can be proven to be
invalid with one-off things like DOCTYPE declarations are not
on-topic here.

They are certainly no less valid than
• WSH/CSH discussions
• objRS.getRows() -vs- iteration
• inline SQL -vs- stored procedures
• IIS configuration topics which have nothing to do with
ASP, such as Directory Security options
• Language-specific questions, such as escaping quotes,
formatting numbers, or dealing with computational error
• Top/bottom/inline quoting

Not one of the above is an ASP issue, but all are appropriate for discussion
here while HTML is not? Please.

Just because you prefer JScript doesn't make VBScript off-topic.

I agree - just as your boredom with HTML renders HTML neither on-topic nor
off. Not being an ASP topic is what makes VBScript off-topic.

If you just want to talk JScript without the ASP part, and without the
majority of the population polluting your discussion environment with
VBScript crap, might I suggest microsoft.public.scripting.jscript?

Straw man. I never suggested anything of the kind, and suspect you are being
intentionally obtuse here.

Contrary to that sentiment, I take the inclusive attitude. some diversions
are related closely enough to warrant brief discussion. This thread no
longer fits, IMO. It has little relationship to ASP and even less to

Dave Anderson

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