That's a bit more than I meant... I was just meaning to instantiate
your RAM code, like you would in any hierarchical design. Nothing
more. No precompiling anything or any other weirdness.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
ah well then that is what I've been doing from the start. If I take
that exact module and open it as a stand alone project, it synthesizes
and infers a DPRAM as expected. But when I try to synthesize my
entire design of which the DPRAM is just one component, THEN it
decides to UN-infer the RAM. So there has to be something about my
code that gives Quartus the feeling it has to UN-infer this RAM. I
wonder if there is a way to just put brackets around that module and
tell Quartus, "Hey, just synthesize this by itself, infer the RAM and
leave it alone! Then connect it to the rest of my code as indicated
in the component instantiation....er...ah...Please."