Les Cargill
John said:The hell? Why do I feel like I'm in Northern Ireland? Or Quebec?
Given that C's and C++'s semantics differ in some key areas, sometimes
it's kind of hard to avoid writing C code that doesn't compile as C++.
Radical unionists are morons and/or trolls. Why make C exactly like
C++? What is the point in having two separate languages that are
alike? Should C# also adopt all the semantics of C++? How about
Java? Maybe Visual Basic should also be exactly like C++?
Here's a thought: maybe these "radical unionists" should just use C++
and not worry about C at all. I think everyone would be happier.
In the long, ignominious history of stupid questions, this one stands
Well, duh. I doubt anyone's going to be programming in C a thousand
years from now.
I bet they are. At least as a target language form some preprocessor.