Hi --
On Thu, 11 Sep 2008, David Chelimsky wrote:
Hi --
On Thu, 14 Aug 2008, David Chelimsky wrote:
The model generation just gives you a file with an empty class
your tests, and I think something similar happens with RSpec. (Just
clarify: I'm talking about model generation, not scaffold generation,
which does give you all sorts of tests and which I dislike strongly
and consider manifestly counter-productive.)
Hi David - I'm curious to know more about why you find this
counter-productive, if you wouldn't mind sharing.
Sorry -- I didn't spot this among the unread for some reason.
I don't want to go into depth since we're not in a Rails forum, but in
brief, it's my experience that the scaffolding neither provides a good
starting point for a production application (which I don't believe it
was ever intended to), nor serves as a good learning tool (which I
believe it is supposed to be). It's a one-trick pony, and there's much
too much of a history of people getting confused or stymied because
they assume that what the scaffolding does is somehow a "default" or
authoritative application skeleton.
Hey David,
Thanks for the response. And here's my late response to yours for much
the same reason...
I understood your previous comment to mean you found the code examples
generated by rspec to be counter productive, but now I'm sensing its
actually the scaffolding.
Yes, I meant the scaffolding.
Forgetting about rspec or rails, my take is that generated code is
just like your own code as far as the ruby runtime is concerned, and
that *if* you are using generated code and maintaining it, that it
should be accompanied by a robust set of generated tests.
Agree? Disagree?
It's an interesting question. I'm trying to puzzle through whether
there might ever be a case where you'd be generating code but
generating the tests for it was for some reason prohibitively more
difficult. I think that if not then it makes sense to generate tests.
Or do the tests sometimes themselves involve code generation? (Maybe
just dynamic code generation.)
I meant the question more generally, but in the case of the rspec
generators, they do generate tests using the same command line
arguments that rails uses generate the application code. So if you
generate a resource with a 'name' attribute, the generated tests for
the new and edit forms expect there to be a form with an input for
render "/companies/new.html.erb"
response.should have_tag("form[action=?][method=post]", companies_path) do
with_tag("input#company_name[name=?]", "company[name]")
What's your gut reaction to that? "Too much"? "Oh, cool"? "Ewwwwww"?