Klaus Neuner a écrit :
All right, I admit that eval() is evil and should never be used.
Can you tell the difference between your above statement and the following:
eval() is potentially dangerous and can make code harder to debug. 99%
of the proposed use case for eval() are covered by simpler, less
dangerous and easier to understand solutions, so the GoodPractice(tm) is
to favor these solutions and only use eval() - with appropriate care -
for the remaining 1% _real_ use case.
If you can't tell the difference, then you're about as (im)mature as my
13 year old son and it might eventually be time to grow up.
The same applies to knives. You shouldn't use them. You
shouldn't even use them in your own kitchen. A man might enter your
kitchen, take your knife away and use it against you.
Knives - specially the kind I use in my kitchen - are indeed potentially
dangerous, and I indeed had to educate my son so he wouldn't do anything
stupid with them - like pointing a knife at someone, running across the
house with a knife in his hand, or using them instead of a more
appropriate tool.
The probability that someone will enter your kitchen and use one of your
knives against you, while not null, are low enough to be ignored IMHO. I
whish I could say the same about script kiddies or more educated (and
dangerous) bad guys trying to attack our servers.
But you obviously never had to neither fix a compromised server nor
raise a kid - else you'd now better. Hopefully you didn't raise my kid -
now I just pray none of your code will ever run on our servers.