Keith Thompson said:(A number of attributions were snipped. I wrote the text starting
with "So is (value, 0)", pemo wrote the text starting with "What's the
point here?", and Flash Gordon wrote the text starting with "I believe
that Keith was". Please leave attributions in place. Thanks.)
After this reply, I'll try and remember to simply enter any further replies
I make to posts at the bottom of any existing text - and then let others
either ignore my posts, or else figure out to what it is I might be
referring - seems like I'll never get the hang of this process, and if I'm
black-flagged, knobbled, f**ked up the ass [or whatever the proper 'in the
know' usenet term is] by some for not posting correctly, at least I won't be
committing the ultimate sin: top posting.
What you wrote was:
!! is a good way of turning a scalar value into 1 or 0.
That's not a useful specification unless you also specify *when*
it yields 0 and when it yields 1. By itself, it doesn't provide any
clue of why you'd want to turn a scalar value into 1 or 0. I was just
emphasizing the fact that !! maps 0 to 0 and all non-zero mappings
to 1. There are many many other possible mappings.
By itself, it doesn't provide any clue of why you'd want to turn a scalar
value into 1 or 0.
'By itself' - yes - which is why I then gave an example (malloc).
Whether I was being overly pedantic is a matter of opinion, of course.
I likely wouldn't have bothered mentioning it if I weren't commenting
on other things in your article.
printf("%p\n", (void *)"boo");
will output some value that's not 0, and very unlikely to be 1, e.g.,
It will output some implementation-specific sequence of printing
characters. The sequence may or may not look like a number.
Can you explain this comment too? Is it an allusion to some obscure
minutiae in the std, like "In reality, an implementation is free to
an address such that it is displayed in egyptian hieroglyphics"?is something like "0x12345678". <snip>One very common format of output is something like "1234:5678", another
Ah, so it was as I expected - an allusion to some obscure minutiae [well,
is isn't it - letter-of-the-law-correct-or-not] that seems picky and
generally non-constructive. The two examples you gave look like numbers
me. And I would hazard a guess that most every compiler outputs
similar - even if it doesn't *have to*. So, saying that a compiler
output this in a braille encoding of the morse-code interpretation of
egyptian hieroglyphics is kinda like saying that there is a remote
possibility that you *could* pick up a book which is written in English -
but that you can't read - because the author decided to choose a remote
vocabulary and to 'encode' his/her prose in such an impenetrable way as
make it more or less impossible. Both situations *could* exist, but both
are, in reality, unlikely to - so what's the point in making a noise
No, this is not "some obscure minutiae", this is part of a basic
understanding of the language.
Here's what the standard says about the "%p" format for the *printf()
The argument shall be a pointer to void. The value of the pointer
is converted to a sequence of printing characters, in an
implementation-defined manner.
There's also some wording for the *scanf() functions saying that it
can read the same format produced by *printf().
There is no implication that the output looks anything like a number,
and portable code cannot depend on any particular output format.
Ok, so this is where the problem is - although the OP might not give a
flying f**k about it, as they also might possibly not give the same for
portability - you're saying that I should have added ...
"will output some value that's not 0, and very unlikely to be 1, e.g.,
0040300. But remember that nothing is said in the C stds about the actual
output here, so you might see output that's in a format that you might not
readily understand for example, some version of printf might output cockney
rhyming slang! - "two fat ladies, two rubber ducks, and a ton" (meaning
8822100 in base 10)"