it is also notable that, for the most part, languages which followed
after C++ still tended towards more C-like interfaces regarding printing
(function or method, often with some sort of formatting string, and
arguments following after said string).
I'm not sure what languages you're talking about, but if yo're taking
about Java, it's not true. Java didn't add any general-purpose string
formatting until Java 5. If you wanted textual I/O before then, you
converted everything to a string manually, including invoking the
formatters if necessary.
Java added formatting strings because they were better than what was
originally provided. I'm not sure you can use that to conclude
superiority over anything else. I suspect there was a considerable
amount of appealing to the masses, too. They also go beyond mere C
printf format strings.
Many languages don't have anything close to how iostreams looks to the
user programmer because it's simply not possible for those language to
do much of what iostreams does. Java lacks operator overloading and
template specialization; C# lacks the latter. You can't recreate
anything approaching C++ iostreams without a lot of extra pain,
overhead, and ugliness.
Also, most "post-C++" object-oriented languages do pick up many of the
bits from iostreams that they could, like the ability to extend the
class hierarchy to support additional I/O sources and locale /
encoding support. As such, they "took" what they could and they're
not really all that C-like as a result. Even when talking about
format strings, they provide additional (runtime) type safety over C
which provides an inherently superior solution.