Using SOAP in XML


mike myers

Many of these pages are now designed using XML and so it is ever more important that applications and information data is structured to work with XML.

The subsequent evolution was from XML to XML-RPC, which essentially enableddevelopers to connect two formerly unrelated fields, it varies from RPC inthat it employs an XML and HTTP protocol to carry a request on the network, as opposed to binary protocol of RPC.

One of the first such implementations is most likely XML-RPC. Using a bird's-eye view, XML-RPC is similar to regular RPC, nonetheless the binary protocol employed to transport the request on the network has been substituted with XML and HTTP. XML-RPC will also support arrays and structures (known asrecords) through the array and struct elements.

Lastly, through the development of RPC and XML-RPC we arrived at SOAP, as aresult of many weaknesses of the methods, a new process was needed to transfer data to web applications.

After considerable co-operation between IBM and XML RPC developers, the protocol was enhanced and upgraded to SOAP, this new protocol is quite powerful and it also broadens the field to cover applications aren't properly described as remote procedure calls.

If you are handling XML and SOAP, additionally you can begin using development tools like Liquid XML Studio ( to produce your code, this has an added advantage of being able to employ extensive libraries along with code validation, perfect when you expect to produce hundreds or thousands of lines of code.

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