VB-like GUI designer?



this is because of the way wxWidgets. If you can't get used to it, then
you can always try PyQT (which I believe you will find more close to
your designer needs)

No problem. I just didn't know most of the GUI tools for Python use
cross-platform widget sets like wxWidgets, so expected to just start
playing without having to learn about this additional layer.



Didn't you mean "a snake in the grass"? ;-)

Pig in a poke, snake in a sack...

No, diamond-in-the-rough is apt. If you hammer away carefully, you can
produce something of value - if not beauty.

Roger Binns

Fred said:
No problem. I just didn't know most of the GUI tools for Python use
cross-platform widget sets like wxWidgets, so expected to just start
playing without having to learn about this additional layer.

You may want to look at my dotamatic project at

It is written in Python using the wxPython/wxWidgets toolkit.
It does drawing, clipboard and printing as well as the other
good things an application should have such as saving
configuration settings and online help.

You will also see the downloads for Windows, Linux and Mac.
End users simply see what looks like a normal setup and
a normal program. They never know or need to know that
there is Python involved.

If you are concerned with these kind of issues, you may
also find part of the presentation I gave at baypiggies
in July interesting.


Slides 11 thru 23 are the most appropriate but I expect
you will find all the others interesting as well :)


Miki Tebeka

Hello Fred,
Yup, it's a nice app. I prefer to use NSIS because it has a scripting
language, though.
Inno has a Pascal like scripting language which IMO is *way* easier than
NSIS assembly like language.

I recently switch from NSIS to Inno only because scripting was much easier.
The Inno setup script is about 60% of the NSIS one for the same project
with the same functionality.


Fred Pacquier

Geoff Caplan said:

Hey, thanks for the pointer, this one looks really nice (even if it's only
available for Windows ATM)...

Out of curiosity, how did you come across it ? This sort of topic pops up
every month or so on this group, and I'd never seen it mentioned before,
although it seems the project has been going on for a while already...


Inno has a Pascal like scripting language which IMO is *way* easier than
NSIS assembly like language.

Really? Was it added recently? I have to give it a shot :)



On Mon, 9 Aug 2004 21:13:47 -0700, "Roger Binns"

Thx, the slides are very educational :) And if I Python provides a
high-quality grid object or makes it a snap to work with the
ComponentOne ActiveX we currently use, I'll be happy as a pig ... er
... a snake in mud.


Roger Binns

Fred said:
Thx, the slides are very educational :) And if I Python provides a
high-quality grid object or makes it a snap to work with the
ComponentOne ActiveX we currently use, I'll be happy as a pig ... er
.. a snake in mud.

wxPython does have a grid object that is pretty good. On Windows
wxPython also has activeX integration.

I would recommend you download and install wxPython. One of the
items it installs is a demo that shows using every single widget
and the code for doing it. That gives you a good idea of what
it all looks like and how you do the coding.


Geoff Caplan

Hi folks,


FP> Out of curiosity, how did you come across it ? This sort of topic pops up
FP> every month or so on this group, and I'd never seen it mentioned before,
FP> although it seems the project has been going on for a while already...

That's the wonder of Google!


Roger Binns said:
You will also see the downloads for Windows, Linux and Mac.
End users simply see what looks like a normal setup and
a normal program. They never know or need to know that
there is Python involved.

I noticed you have RPMs for Linux - so what do they include - a
complete wxWidgets/GTK+/Python distribution, plus your files?

Roger Binns

simo said:
I noticed you have RPMs for Linux - so what do they include - a
complete wxWidgets/GTK+/Python distribution, plus your files?

$ rpm -qpl dotamatic-0.2-0.i386.rpm

The file in /usr/bin is a shell script that just execs the dotamatic
binary in /usr/lib. The dotmatic executable is actually the Python
interpretter with an archive containing the bytecode appended.
Only the Python and wxPython modules used are present.

If you have a look at my BitPim project file you can see something
that does a lot more, and consequently has way more modules

You can compare the above directory to the one installed on
Windows and will find they are remarkably similar. The Mac
one is also similar but has some underlying differences.



Roger Binns said:
$ rpm -qpl dotamatic-0.2-0.i386.rpm

The file in /usr/bin is a shell script that just execs the dotamatic
binary in /usr/lib. The dotmatic executable is actually the Python
interpretter with an archive containing the bytecode appended.
Only the Python and wxPython modules used are present.

So how are you generating this interpreter/bytecode archive? It
basically sounds like the kind of thing py2exe does, but you've made
an object file or something. How did you calculate the dependencies?

I'm heading off to your site to see if you have the build environment
in with the source ;o)

Roger Binns

simo said:
So how are you generating this interpreter/bytecode archive? It
basically sounds like the kind of thing py2exe does, but you've made
an object file or something. How did you calculate the dependencies?

It is all discussed in the presentation at

Slides 18 thru 23. On Windows I use py2exe, Linux I use cxFreeze
and Mac uses BundleBuilder.
I'm heading off to your site to see if you have the build environment
in with the source ;o)

It is. The simplest one is in the dotamatic source. Look for a file
named makedist.py. A more complicated variant of makedist.py is in
the BitPim source.


(I can't give longer links as SF CVS stuff is down at the moment).



Replying to my own post to Roger Binns:

It seems you're using cx_Freeze, well I've just got 3.0b2 working
under Windows, but I seem to recall I could never get 2.2 to work
under Linux, time to try again I guess.

It doesn't seem quite as nice as py2exe under Windows - doesn't do
resource editting, so you still need to include a manifest file and
link the .ico to the Desktop shortcut etc; but if it will work better
than McMillan Installer under Linux, I shall be very pleased!

Then I have to figure out how to make KDE/Gnome Desktop shortcuts,
make RPMs, oh and finish my program! ;o)


Slides 18 thru 23. On Windows I use py2exe, Linux I use cxFreeze
and Mac uses BundleBuilder.

Thanks for the help, I've actually managed to get both cx_Freeze and
MM Installer working!

I think a lot of it has to do with the quality of the build
environment - my RedHat9 box has a horribly hacked-together Python 2.3
distro with bits of RPMs, some compiled stuff and some dodgey
symlinking, but the SUSE box has a proper apt-get'ed Python. I can
build on the SUSE box and run on the RedHat box!

I've written a [simpler than yours] shell script to freeze and then
tar-up the distro, then I might try Solaris!

I've still got a few things to iron out - like bluecurve.so warnings
on RedHat, and linux-gate.so warnings on SUSE, then I've gotta go read
your presentation before learning about RPMs!

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