VB to Python migration


Magnus Lycka

Josh said:
I understand what you are saying, and I'm sure the tasks our program
does could be made much cleaner. But, implementing an ERP which is
basically what we have, is a large project and the users need (or maybe
just want) access to lots of information.

I'm not pretending to know what this system does in detail, but the
fact that you need to access a lot of information doesn't imply that
you need lots of different user interfaces. I think e.g. wordprocessors,
spreadsheet programs and SQL monitors etc are proof of that.

I suppose that you need to present a lot of differnt kinds of data,
and that you need to provide various search parameters etc for
different data sets, but this sounds like something that might be
very few screens that adapt to some kind of meta-data, perhaps XML
descriptions or small "configuration files" containing som simple
Python data structures and possibly input validation routines etc.
Maybe this information should even be in the database?

The problem arises if there is behavior in the application that
varies with data, but with Python, it's certainly possible to handle
that to some extent even if these screens are driven by database

BTW, I guess DABO http://dabodev.com/ is intended just for this kind
of application, but I doubt it was ever used for a project of this
size, it's fairly new... Never used it myself...

Whatever you use for your user interface, I suggest that you use
a multi-tier approach, and a very thin user interface layer. In my
opinion that makes testing much easier. I'd recommend that you use
a proper test tool and employ a test-driven approach.


Magnus said:
> I suppose that you need to present a lot of differnt kinds of data,
and that you need to provide various search parameters etc for
different data sets, but this sounds like something that might be
very few screens that adapt to some kind of meta-data, perhaps XML
descriptions or small "configuration files" containing som simple
Python data structures and possibly input validation routines etc.
Maybe this information should even be in the database?

This all makes sense. Being hamstrung by the VB model has hampered our
thinking in areas like this I think. Having a smaller number of dynamic,
data driven screens is good for maintainability anyways.
The problem arises if there is behavior in the application that
varies with data, but with Python, it's certainly possible to handle
that to some extent even if these screens are driven by database

BTW, I guess DABO http://dabodev.com/ is intended just for this kind
of application, but I doubt it was ever used for a project of this
size, it's fairly new... Never used it myself...

I have looked through the DABO website and it looks very promising. By
the looks of it, the authors come from the same type of background
(Windows RAD application) as we are coming from. I'll have to download
it and give it a run for it's money.
Whatever you use for your user interface, I suggest that you use
a multi-tier approach, and a very thin user interface layer. In my
opinion that makes testing much easier. I'd recommend that you use
a proper test tool and employ a test-driven approach.

This is what we're planning on. If the user interface is as thin as
possible, that allows easily porting it to a web app etc.

As for the testing, that's something we'll need to learn about. I've
read some articles about test driven programming in relation to extreme
programming. Can you give me links to any good sites explaining how this
all works? (Off list may be better for these off-topic links)


Magnus Lycka

Josh said:
As for the testing, that's something we'll need to learn about. I've
read some articles about test driven programming in relation to extreme
programming. Can you give me links to any good sites explaining how this
all works? (Off list may be better for these off-topic links)

I think this might be interesting to more people...

There is some stuff from my Europython presentation in 2004 here:
The pdf and the "log" from a test-first-session might be of interest.
The pdf contains a number of relevant links.

You might also want to look at the TextTest testing framework, which
has been developed here at Carmen Systems. http://texttest.carmen.se/

With tools like the unittest module, you have to write and maintain
a lot of low level tests. With TextTest you have to write your
application so that it can produce textual output in a repeatable
way. TextTest will basically store all the output from a test run,
and compare that to subsequent test runs.

While unittest is more intended for low level tests written by the
programmer so that he can verify that his program does what he
intended, TextTest is more useful as a regression testing tool or
for acceptance tests, to verify that a software system behaves as
it is required to do. Their applicability overlaps though, and
depending on your type of application, your own preferences etc,
you might use either approach or a combination. At Carmen, we
mainly use TextTest.

Other interesting testing frameworks are Fit, http://fit.c2.com/
and FitNesse http://www.fitnesse.org/ but I have no hands-on
experience with them. For Python code, use PyFit, see e.g.

Grig Gheorghiu


I've been writing TextTest tests lately for an application that will be
presented at a PyCon tutorial on "Agile development and testing". I
have to say that if your application does a lot of logging, then the
TextTest tests become very fragile in the presence of changes. So I had
to come up with this process in order for the tests to be of any use at

1) add new code in, with no logging calls
2) run texttest and see if anything got broken
3) if nothing got broken, add logging calls for new code and
re-generate texttest golden images

I've been doing 3) pretty much for a while and I find myself
regenerating the golden images over and over again. So I figured that I
won't go very far with this tool without the discipline of going
through 1) and 2) first.
From what I see though, there's no way I can replace my unit tests with
TextTest. It's just too coarse-grained to catch subtle errors. I'm
curious to know how exactly you use it at Carmen and how you can get
rid of your unit tests by using it.


Magnus Lycka

First of all, while I use TextTest, I'm fortunate to be surrounded
by TextTest experts such as Goeff and Johan here at Carmen, so I'm
not a TextTest expert by any measure. I probably use it in an non-
optimal way. For really good answers, I suggest using the mailing
list at sourceforge:

For those who don't know, TextTest is a testing framework which
is based on executing a program under test, and storing all
output from such runs (stdout, sterr, various files written
etc). On each test run, the output is compared to output which is
known to be correct. When there are differences, you can inspect
these with a normal diff tool such as tkdiff. In other words,
there are no test scripts that perform actual and expected values,
but there might be scripts for setting up, extracting results and
cleaning up.

Grig said:
I've been writing TextTest tests lately for an application that will be
presented at a PyCon tutorial on "Agile development and testing". I
have to say that if your application does a lot of logging, then the
TextTest tests become very fragile in the presence of changes. So I had
to come up with this process in order for the tests to be of any use at

The TextTest approach is different from typical unittest work,
and it takes some time to get used to. Having worked with it
for almost a year, I'm fairly happy with it, and feel that it
would mean much more work do achieve the same kind of confidence
in the software we write if would use e.g. the unittest module.
1) add new code in, with no logging calls
2) run texttest and see if anything got broken
3) if nothing got broken, add logging calls for new code and
re-generate texttest golden images

I suppose its usefulness depends partly on what your application
looks like. We've traditionally built applications that produce
a lot of text files which have to look in a certain way. There are
several things to think about though:

We use logging a lot and we have a clear strategy for what log
levels to use in different cases. While debugging we can set a
high log level, but during ordinary tests, we have a fairly low
log level. What log messages gets emitted is controlled by an
environment variable here, but you could also filter out e.g.
all INFO and DEBUG messages from your test comparisions.

We're not really interested in exactly what the program does when
we test it. We want to make sure that it produces the right results.
As you suggested, we'll get lots of false negatives if we log too
much details during test runs.

We filter out stuff like timstamps, machine names etc. There are
also features that can be used to verify that texts occur even if
they might appear in different orders etc (I haven't meddled with
that myself).

We don't just compare program progress logs, but make sure that
the programs produce appropriate results files. I personally don't
work with any GUI applications, being confined in the database
dungeons here at Carmen, but I guess that if you did, you'd need
to instrument your GUI so that it can dump the contents of e.g.
list views to files, if you want to verify the display contents.

Different output files are assigned different severities. If
there are no changes, you get a green/green result in the test
list. If a high severity file (say a file showing produced
results) differ, you get a red/red result in the test list.
If a low severity file (e.g. program progress log or stderr)
changes, you get a green/red result in the test list.

You can obviously use TextTest for regression testing legacy
software, where you can't influence the amount of logs spewed
out, but in those cases, it's probable that the appearence of
the logs will be stable over time. Otherwise you have to fiddle
with filters etc.

In a case like you describe above, I could imagine the following
situation. You're changing some code, and that change will add
some new feature, and as a side effect change the process (but
not the results) for some existing test. You prepare a new test,
but want to make sure that existing tests don't break.

For your new test, you have no previous results, so all is red,
and you have to carefully inspect the files that describe the
generated results. If you're a strict test-first guy, you've
written a results file already and with some luck it's green,
or just have some cosmetic differences that you can accept. You
look at the other produced files as well and see that there
are no unexpected error messages etc, but you might accept the
program progress log without caring too much over every line.

For your existing tests, you might have some green/red cases,
where low severity files changed. If there are red/red test
cases among the existing tests, you are in trouble. Your new
code has messed up the results of other runs. Well, this
might bee expected. It's all text files, and if it's hundreds
of tests, you can write a little script to verify that the
only thing that changed in these 213 result files was that a
date is formatted differently or whatever. In a more normal
case, a handful of tests have a few more lines (maybe repeated
a number of times) in some progress logs, and it's quick to
verify in the GUI that this is the only change. As you suggested,
you might also raise the log level for this particular log
message for the moment, rerun the tests, see that the green/red
tunred to green/green, revert to log levels, rerun again, and
save all the new results as correct.
I've been doing 3) pretty much for a while and I find myself
regenerating the golden images over and over again. So I figured that I
won't go very far with this tool without the discipline of going
through 1) and 2) first.

If you want this it migh be convenient to write something like

log(LOGLEVEL_NEW, 'a new log message')
log(LOGLEVEL_NEW, 'another new log message')

and then remove the first assignment and replace all LOGLEVEL_NEW
with DEBUG or whatever after the first green test.

It's also worth thinking about how much logging you want during
tests. Do you want to see implementation changes that don't cause
changed results? You are verifying the achieved results properly
in some kind of snapshot or output files, right?
TextTest. It's just too coarse-grained to catch subtle errors. I'm
curious to know how exactly you use it at Carmen and how you can get
rid of your unit tests by using it.

I work in the database group at Carmen R&D, and a big part of our job
is to provide APIs for the applications to use when working with
databases. Thus, we typically test our APIs rather than full programs.
This means that we need to write test programs, typically in Python,
that use the API, and present appropriate results.

The way we work in those cases isn't very different from typical unit
testing. We have to write test scripts (since the *real* program
doesn't exist) and we have to make the test scripts produce a
predictable and reproducable output. This isn't different from what
you do in unittest. If you can use .assertEqual() etc, you can also
get output to a file which is reproducable. For us, who mainly work
with content in databases, the typical thing for use to verify is that
one or several tables hold a particular content after a particular
set of operations. The easiest way to verify that is to dump the results
of one or several DB queries to text files, and to compare the files.
Typically, the files are identical, and if there is a difference, we
can directly see the difference between the files with tkdiff. This
is far superior that just writing typical unittest modules where we'd
perform a certain query and get a message that this particular query
gave the wrong result, but I don't get a chance to see any context.
Tkdiff on dumps of small tables is very informative.

It's also easier when the expected result changes. I can usually see
fairly easy in tkdiff that the new result differs from the old just
in the way I expected, and save the new result as the correct result
to compare with. One has to be very careful here of course. If you're
in a hurry and don't inspect everything properly, you could save an
incorrect result as correct, and think that your flawed program works
as intended. It might be less likely that you would write an incorrect
assertion in unittest and make the program produce this incorrect

This is a fundamental difference between unittest and the way *I* use
texttest. With unittest, you state your expected results before the
test, and mechanically verify that this is correct. With TextTest, you
*could* do the same, and change the text file with expected results to
what you now think it should be. I'm usually too lazy for that though.
I just change my code, rerun the test, expect red, look at the
difference in tkdiff, determine whether this is what it should look
like, and save the new results as correct if I determine that it is.

So far, this hasn't led to any problems for me, and it's far less work
than to manually write all the assertions. TextTest (particularly in
the mature setup here) also provides support for distribution of tests
among hosts, on different operating systems, with different database
systems etc, automatic test execution as part of nightly builds etc.

TextTest originated among our optimization experts. As far as I know,
they use it more as it is intended than we do, i.e. to test complete
programs, rather than small scripts written just to check a feature in
an API. Honestly, I don't know a lot of details there though. They
seem to practice XP fairly strictly, but instead of writing unit tests,
they test the entire programs in TextTest, and they obviously manage
to produce world class software in an efficient way. As I said, I'm
not the expert...

Michael Tobis

An incremental approach and a redesign are not the same thing. It might
be insurmountably difficult to acheeve both in a move to another


Grig Gheorghiu

Thanks for the insightful answer, Magnus. I have a lot of stuff to
digest from your message :) Maybe I'll continue the discussion on the
mailing list you mentioned.



We have a program written in VB6 (over 100,000 lines of code and 230 UI
screens) that we want to get out of VB and into a better language. The
program is over 10 years old and has already been ported from VB3 to
VB6, a job which took over two years. We would like to port it to
Python, but we need to continue to offer upgrades and fixes to the
current VB6 version. Does anybody know of ways we could go about
rewriting this, one screen at a time, in Python, and calling the screens
from the existing program?

We are also looking for a graphics toolkit to use. IronPython with it's
.NET bindings and ability to integrate with Visual Studio looks good,
but leaves that bad MS taste in the mouth.

Because MS is too expensive ?

What you're trying to do sounds ideal for an N-tier application in
..NET, where the DAL is isolated, and you can you use both VB and
ASP.NET to access business objects.

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