James Kanze
On 2008-12-20 18:07:58, James Kanze wrote:
I often use CodeWright, and I have it configured to save files
on loss of focus -- quite handy for exactly this reason. I'd
be surprised if highly scriptable editors like emacs etc.
couldn't be coerced to do this, too.
Now that's a good idea. A quick check shows that vim does have
FocusGained and FocusLost events which can be used to trigger
commands; it shouldn't be too hard to make it automatically
write every time you leave the window. (You need to add a
little bit of code to ensure that it won't try to write files
you're viewing in write protected mode, but otherwise, it's
(Of course, most of the time, it's easier just to invoke the
built in make, which also results in a small window with the
error messages, and allows navigating between the error lines.
But there are times when there's no make file, and I just want
to invoke a command quickly.)