Hi again,
after several experiments, I see that, indeed, when vector:
needs to reallocate memory, it does construct a copy of the object and
destruct the old object. When I recompiled my program without
optimization, I saw that the reallocation routines don't actually take
much time, but the constructor of the contained class does; with
optimization, it is apparently inlined and the profiler indicates that
the time is spent in the reallocation routines. If I call
vector::reserve prior to performing the 306 thousand push_backs, the
constructor is called 306 thousand times; if I don't, it is called 830
thousand times (likewise for the destructor).
Why don't just memmove the objects? I understand that in the general
case this is not possible; for example, if the constructor registers
the object's address in some global vector object. But this would not
be a problem for my class, which does not do such things. Furthermore,
my examination with the debugger indicates that when I copy an
instance of it, the copy is identical, byte by byte; even a string
member points to the same memory location as the original. So is it
just that the compiler/stl can't know, and we can't hint it, that a
memmove would suffice?
Here's the class, for your reference:
struct Record {
Record(const Date& t, bool n, double v, string f):
timestamp(t), null(n), value(v), flags(f) { }
Date timestamp;
bool null;
double value;
string flags;
("Date" is a user class internally represented as a struct tm.)