Welcome to 24 hours ago mark.
All i can say is for **** sakes get over it. It was off topic
yeah goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood
None of this harping on by you or anyone could have made the original
thread go away, so why bother?
stfu and move on. or perhaps, IGNORE threads that appear "off topic",
because your responses (if not related to the original question) will be
off topic too.
Do you respond to the threads such as "Buy high performance viagra
for $50"? Do you remind them they're off topic?
When you pay for my internet connection and my computer, I'll let
you decide where and what I post.
google ISNT __always__ the answer.. ever googled something you thought was
specific enough and sifted thru dozens of irrelevant search results? This
has happened to me on many an occasion, which is when I turn to newsgroups
for an answer.
Its not me that needed to do the googling, I knew the answer to
Lawrence's question. And I knew my answer was 100% correct.
So I gave the answer. What most of you idiots gave back was the
spanish inquisition, and a "how dare you post this" response. Eat a dick.
Get over it, move on.