Tim Hubberstey
Mike said:Hi Tim,
I came from a hardware background and found
it odd when first maintaining a C program that I had to
wade through a nest of #ifndefs and hack
some #defines to get the options right.
Maintaining the *almost* C-like macros
can also be challenging for a bit bouncer.
Unfortunately, any language feature can be abused. I also come from a
hardware background so I understand what you mean. However, a lot of the
pre-processor complexity you see in C code often comes from people
writing code that will work on many different platforms and operating
If it's my code, I am inclined to just edit in the change
and use version control to dig it up if I ever have to.
If it's an untouchable entity, I can make a wrapper
in about a minute.
That's fine, as long as you're the only person dealing with the code. I
try to write code that is, as much as possible, reusable and
parameterizable. This often results in situations where you want to vary
the port list to include/exclude control signals. There are ways you can
do this that stay within the existing VHDL definition, but these methods
often result in compiler and/or synthesis warnings that add confusion to
the log files. Using a pre-processor, IMO, produces much cleaner results
for the *user* of an IP block even though the code inside the block may
be a little harder to understand.
I prefer to keep my code free of directives and
make those settings in the back-end files.
This is, mostly, a style issue so I won't disagree with your choice.
However, there are some pragmas that *must* be inside the code because
the tool the pragma is for doesn't have any back-end files. Some code
coverage and formal verification tools come to mind here.
Even if you don't choose to intentionally use pragmas in your code, it
can still happen by accident. For instance, I once wasted an entire
day's synthesis run because I reformatted a comment block and
inadvertently ended up with a comment line that started out:
-- Synopsys ...
This caused the synthesis of the block to fail which, since it was a
block instantiated by many other blocks, caused the entire 18-hour
synthesis run to fail.
Even worse is the case where you accidentally generate a valid pragma
that causes some subtle error in your result. My point is that, whether
you choose to use them or not, pragmas have no business looking like