virtual directory and hyperlink file path issue (listed and linked paths don't match)


Jim in Arizona

Some basic code to display files in a directory, in this case, C:\webfiles

What's interesting is the difference between using and classes.
When displaying files simply with directory, I can do this:

Dim filelisting() As String = Directory.GetFiles("C:\webfiles\")
DataGrid1.DataSource = filelisting

That works just fine, although with no hyperlinks or anything.

When using directoryinfo, I have to do this:

Dim dirinfo As New DirectoryInfo(Server.MapPath(".\webfiles\"))

DataGrid2.DataSource = dirinfo.GetFiles()

I had originally tried to specifiy Server.MapPath("C:\webfiles\") like with
the directory class but this didn't work. It threw an error saying it was
not a virtual directory. To solve this, I opened IIS up and created a
virtual directory called "webfiles" within the working directory of this web form (C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\tests). This virtual directory was
mapped to C:\webfiles. This works fine to display the files, with
hyperlinks, by doing this in the aspx page.

<asp:DataGrid id="DataGrid2" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false">
<asp:HyperLinkColumn DataNavigateUrlField="Name" DataTextField="Name"
HeaderText="File Name" />

And, in the aspx.vb code behind page (same as shown above):

Dim dirinfo As New DirectoryInfo(Server.MapPath(".\webfiles\"))

DataGrid2.DataSource = dirinfo.GetFiles()

This works to display the file names in C:\webfiles with hyperlinks, but
when I click on one, I get a 'page cannot be found' message. When looking at
the path when I hover the mouse over the link, it shows:

It should be showing:


since webfiles is the virtual directory it is getting the file listing from.
If I directly insert that address into the address bar of the web browser, I
get the file.

Other than just placing all the files into the C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\tests
folder and not worrying about virtual directories, how can I solve this
issue. My current environment is a test environment and in the future, in a
production enironment, the virtual folder would probably be a share on
another machine so I'd like to solve this rather than taking the easy way
out and not messing around with virtual directories.


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