Virtual Ruby Group


Bill Guindon


Shalev NessAiver

Well, I like how you've laid out the projects. A more ambitious
project (later on) would to create an integrated paired development
Something that integrates chat (text/voice/video), with code editing
and wiki like capabilities. In other words, something that would allow
very good and rapid development and collaboration with people situated
in many diverse locations (say that ten times fast).

I like the order in which you've discussed potential projects, but
could someone please point me to a link for "xBase". I have no idea
what that is.


Bill Guindon

Well, I like how you've laid out the projects. A more ambitious
project (later on) would to create an integrated paired development
Something that integrates chat (text/voice/video), with code editing
and wiki like capabilities. In other words, something that would allow
very good and rapid development and collaboration with people situated
in many diverse locations (say that ten times fast).

I have visions of this in my dreams.
I like the order in which you've discussed potential projects, but
could someone please point me to a link for "xBase". I have no idea
what that is.

xBase is a generic name for dBase. It's one of the oldest database
formats available. There's an (overly?) comprehensive history of it:

Shalev NessAiver

So.... let's set something up. First - the irc channel. I currently
am in "ruby-VRUG and VRUG-ruby" on freenode. I assume we would want to
decide on a network and a final name for this....


Bill Guindon

So.... let's set something up. First - the irc channel. I currently
am in "ruby-VRUG and VRUG-ruby" on freenode. I assume we would want to
decide on a network and a final name for this....

Based on this:
I'd say the 'ruby-VRUG' would be the prefered name. Perhaps it should
be lowercase?

Either way, should add it to the wiki once a channel name is chosen.


I play in a game called VGA-planets. It's from the days a VGA screen was
That was a great game in its day.

Sad to hear.

You should look at and
(I wrote both in a programming language we all know :)
(both are beta)

NB: you're welcome at IRC channel efnet#vgaplanets

+--- Kero ----------------------- (e-mail address removed) ---+
| all the meaningless and empty words I spoke |
| Promises -- The Cranberries |
+--- M38c --- ---+

Hal Fulton

Curt said:
One more suggestion: you could make a FreeRIDE plugin out of jabber4r, and
then use the jabber4r comm link both for chat-style messages and for
synchronized edited.

That seems like an interesting idea, though I don't know the first thing
about Jabber.

To clarify lest anyone misunderstand: When I said pair-programming features
for FreeRIDE, I meant of course *remote* pair programming.

The idea has always interested me, but I have always felt daunted by the
prospect of implementing it. I wouldn't attempt it alone, as I recall how
many hours it took me just to get that little chess server to work. But
hopefully Jabber hides most of the networking details, leaving FXRuby and
Scintilla as the biggest hurdles.


Bill Guindon

To clarify lest anyone misunderstand: When I said pair-programming features
for FreeRIDE, I meant of course *remote* pair programming.

I'm not exactly into pair programming (on a formal level at least),
but I've long wanted a "dual control" editor for discussing ideas with
other geeks far far away.

Shalev NessAiver

Well, I just did that with a VNC connection. You can't get any more
dual-control than that!


Shalev NessAiver

SubEthaEdit is amazing. It uses the Rendezvous protocol (which I think
is just ZeroConf) to automatically connect over the network.
Pretty simple using that.


Hal Fulton

Bill said:
I'm not exactly into pair programming (on a formal level at least),
but I've long wanted a "dual control" editor for discussing ideas with
other geeks far far away.

Quite right, you don't have to be a major XP geek. Such a tool
might have several usage modes.


Zach Dennis

Bill said:

That looks very sweet. I noticed Jabber posted to this thread. It looks
like this already a jabber4r package on rubyforge. This sounds like a
very good goal. So who knows both about freeride and jabber? And who
should head this project up? (I'd prefer someone who knows something of
freeride and jabber) considering I know little of both.


Bill Guindon

That looks very sweet. I noticed Jabber posted to this thread. It looks
like this already a jabber4r package on rubyforge. This sounds like a
very good goal. So who knows both about freeride and jabber? And who
should head this project up? (I'd prefer someone who knows something of
freeride and jabber) considering I know little of both.

From my previous post (earlier today):

I've, done some digging on it, and it's quite impressive. Up to 14
users editing the same file simultaneously, with all cursors visible
(each user can have a different color). Add voice chat to it
(Teamspeak, Skype, etc.) and it's quite powerful.

It's a bit limited on the editing side, but it does allow
customization including macros with key bindings. Not to mention, it
seems quite new, announced some time in January I believe.

nice article about it here:

Shalev NessAiver

Weren't we first going to implement a "Team Version of NoPaste"?

Start small and work our way up I should think.
(Though this idea sounds great!)


Zach Dennis

Bill said:

I've, done some digging on it, and it's quite impressive. Up to 14
users editing the same file simultaneously, with all cursors visible
(each user can have a different color). Add voice chat to it
(Teamspeak, Skype, etc.) and it's quite powerful.

It's a bit limited on the editing side, but it does allow
customization including macros with key bindings. Not to mention, it
seems quite new, announced some time in January I believe.

nice article about it here:

It looks like it's got cool functionality. Are you suggesting to utilize
this in the FreeRide project, or for people to use MoonEdit?


Zach Dennis

Shalev said:
Weren't we first going to implement a "Team Version of NoPaste"?

Yes, nopaste first! Who heads up nopaste, who do we need to be in
collaboration with?
Start small and work our way up I should think.
(Though this idea sounds great!)

Yes, feature creep, already upon us! =)


Shalev NessAiver

No moonedit! Moonedit is not very cross-platform despite the authors
claims to the contrary.
So far all he has is binaries (no source code) for Linux, FreeBSD, and
Windows on x86 platforms.
What about us PPC (or other Archs/Systems) users?

Anyway, it sounds like it was a suggestion to be incorporated into the
FreeRide project.

I just wanted to raise a point that we should always try to support as
many platforms as possible.


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