Michael J. Ryan
Believe me, I could have made it far worse. Much more concise than C#
though. Does that make it better? By the way, MUMPS has the most
wonderful use of sparse arrays that I could ever imagine. For all the
advantages that DotNet has, I really miss that. Look at this
Set Person(1, "Address')="1919 Mockingbird Lane"
Set Person(1, "Name")="Smith, John"
Set Person(1,"Phone", "Cell")="917-555-1212"
Set Person(1,"Phone", "Home')="555-555-1111"
Set Person(1,"City")="New York City"
Set PersonXA("Smith","John",1)="" ; this would be the index
pointing to the previous sparse array entry.
Data goes in the subscripts of an array. If the next person entered
doesn't have a cell phone, that array element simply doesn't exist.
Such a cool way to store data.
Well there's always Javascript/JSON...
Person[1] = {
"Address":"1919 Mockingbird Lane",
"Name":"Smith, John",
"City":"New York City"
Theres also combine/merge extensions for things like...
Person[2] = Person[2].merge({"City":"Buffalo"});
Ah, I love programming no matter what the language. I even coded in
Cobol and liked that. I didn't know better at the time though. Still,
the level 88s were fun.
Agreed, though I'm a pup by comparison, my first real programming (aside from
macros and dos/bbs scripts) was Javascript in the mid 90's, though I've peaked
at some older stuff, I have to say I like JS and C# most... looking forward to
the changes in C#4 which should make using the DLR really fun. Thinking of
starting a FLOSS Javascript/EcmaScript implementation, including E4X... It
just seems the MS Managed JScript library is getting no love... ben peaking at
the IronPython and IronRuby implementations, and should be an interesting
learning exercise... Without a formal CS background I've never written a
parser; though, I've got a pretty good grasp on the expression trees for DLR
Michael J. Ryan - http://tracker1.info/
.... B5: The bitch of it is that you probably did the right thing. But you did
it in the wrong way. In the inconvenient way. Now you have to pay the penalty
for that. I know it stinks, but that's the way it is.