The said:
Since you can write programs in strict C in C++ (the whole C89
standard is quite accepted), and even if not used by C++
programmers, C is still in the specs of C++, so any C
vulnerabilities are in C++ also.
Note the non sequitur: working from the premise that exists some program
in strict C that is also C++, he derives the absurd claim "any C
vulnerabilities are in C++ also." Ah yes, the "it is true for one
instance therefore for all instances" argument. 2x-3=0 is true for
x=1.5, therefore it is true for all x.
Hoping to cover his silly ass, he snips his earlier claim but appears to
be defending it with the incomplete and completely wrong example:
int main(void)
char p[2];
Having been caught on that, he still pretends that he was right all
along by pretending that he made the following claim:
I repeat: most of C89 is accepted in C++ what opens the same
Not only is that not grammatical, he provides no evidence for it.
This is not the first time that Navia has posted bullshit and then tried
to cover his tracks by pretending to have written something other than
that which is plainly visible to all.