Web Editors



Nowhere said:
What are good web editors to use? Or should I just use Frontpage?
What can Notepad do?

Once built, how and where do you upload it to? How do you get your own
domain ?

HTML-kit; a free webeditor with many plugins.
The URL is www.chami.com
There are also newsgroups especially for the HTML-kit ->

Gerard Schaefers

Barry Pearson

SpaceGirl said:
Nowhere said:
What are good web editors to use? Or should I just use Frontpage?
What can Notepad do?
DreamWeaver MX 2004 is by far the best of all the editors out there,
but it's a fairly big package and takes a bit to get to grips with.
It hand;es all of the really complex stuff very well though -
including ASP, JSP, C# and other .NET lanuages, plus the usual
suspects - HTML, XHTML, CSS and XML + really good Flash support,
great layer handling and one of the most simple CSS and style
management things on the market. Also great at site management, and
built in FTP.

I concur. It is easy enough to produce valid Strict code. (Except for an
irritating deficiency that often catches me out - it won't automatically
replace "&" in external links with a properly-escaped version! They typically
work, but don't validate).

But - don't go near Layout Mode! (I wish that was an extra cost option, and I
could get a refund on it).

Weyoun the Dancing Borg

Nowhere said:
So basically HTML - Kit (YMMV) is the best free one. And is better than

Heh, well, yes and no :)

Firstly: "YMMV" means "Your Milage May Vary" which is Internet talk for
"it's down to personal opinion".

Microsoft Frontpage, in all honesty, is "ok". It has 3 main problems:

1) It is designed for Internet Explorer. Most people on the WWWeb use
Microsoft Internet Explorer, something like 80% or 90%. However, that's
out of about 500,000,000 (5 hundred million) people. Internet Explorer
is a web browser. Have you heard of Netscape Navigator? Opera? Mozilla
Firebird/FireFox? These are like Internet explorer, in that they are
programs designed to view websites.

There is a "standard" for designing websites. Sites are made in a
language called HTML. Imagine the English Language. Originally, only
English people spoke it. Now, Americans, Australians, New Zealanders,
Canadians etc all speak it, but all very differently. 99% of it is the
same but the Americans say "trash" whilst the English say "Rubbish".
Australians say "Dexters" and the English say "Felt Tip Pens". The
English say "Filofax" whilst the New Zealanders say "Personal
Organiser". HTML and web browsers are the same. There's one base
language called "HTML 4.01". Internet explorer uses this 99% of the
time, but deviates from it every so often with it's own versions of
tags. Netscape Navigator deviates a bit with it's own unique bits and
bobs. For example, the "<blink>" tag can be used in NS whilst IE won't
recognise it etc. FireFox and Opera conform to the HTML standard pretty
much 99.9999999% if not 100%.

Frontpage, designed by Microsoft, puts in tags and coding that will ONLY
work on Internet Explorer. Soemtimes a page rendered in Frontpage wont
even work on Netscape or Firefox.

So whilst Frontpage will make a page that 90% of the web users can see,
that means out of the 500,000,000 people on web, 50,000,000 (50 million)
people might not be able to see it.

2) It creates pages for "Microsoft Only" servers. HEard of Windows?
Heard of Linux? The two things do the same thing - they run a computer,
but they do it in different ways. Some web hosters use the microsoft web
server called "Internet Information Services" (IIS). Some use Apache.
For Linux, Apache is used quite a bit. Apple Macintosh servers also have
their own thing...

The advanved Frontpage features such as the "search" coding will ONLY
work on a server specifically designed for Frontpage, such as IIS.
Apache can't make these features work. So if you pick a web host who
uses Apache or something simlar, and that's probably about 30-50% of
them, then your page and time is all wasted.

3) It "decides" for you. You use FP like you do Microsoft Word - you
type your stuff, highlight it, make it bold etc - but FP decides how it
does this, not you. However, all editors have this problem.

The best way to make a site is to learn HTML yourself. Failing that, get
something like Dreamweaver, or at least a program that will create 100%
(or as close as) HTML 4.01 coding - anything geared towards individual
browsers will be useless to upto 50 million people.

I personally use Notepad since it lets me controll my code completely,
not adding things I don't want, and at the end of the day, if the site
doesn't work I can work out why.

I hope this helps you :)


Quiet, Pinky; I'm pondering.
_ _
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(___\ /___)


So whilst Frontpage will make a page that 90% of the web users can see,
that means out of the 500,000,000 people on web, 50,000,000 (50 million)
people might not be able to see it.

Chances are out of the 500,000,000 499,999,900 will probably never come
to the site anyway. There are way too may other factors involved to
make that statement. And the numbers are not proportional over different
groupings of people. Proof of that is that 70%+ from this forum don't
use IE.

Weyoun the Dancing Borg

Whitecrest said:
Chances are out of the 500,000,000 499,999,900 will probably never come
to the site anyway.

it's a percentage, silly.

out of the 100 that do, 10 can't view it.

There are way too may other factors involved to
make that statement.

No, there aren't.

And the numbers are not proportional over different
groupings of people.

that's why I didn't make groups. I used the entire Internet.

Proof of that is that 70%+ from this forum don't
use IE.

70% of this newsgroup (it's not a forum) do not represent the "average
joe" of the WWW.

read my post.


Quiet, Pinky; I'm pondering.
_ _
/~\\ \ //~\
| \\ \ // |
[ || || ]
] Y || || Y [
| \_|l,------.l|_/ |
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\ (/~`--____--'~\) /
/\(__,>-~~ __)
/\//\\( `--~~ )
'\/ <^\ /^>
_\ >-__-< /_
(___\ /___)

Toby A Inkster

Weyoun said:
The advanved Frontpage features such as the "search" coding will ONLY
work on a server specifically designed for Frontpage, such as IIS.
Apache can't make these features work.

Yes Apache can.

Weyoun the Dancing Borg

Toby said:
Weyoun the Dancing Borg wrote:

Yes Apache can.

Apache uses front page server extensions?


Quiet, Pinky; I'm pondering.
_ _
/~\\ \ //~\
| \\ \ // |
[ || || ]
] Y || || Y [
| \_|l,------.l|_/ |
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\ (/~`--____--'~\) /
/\(__,>-~~ __)
/\//\\( `--~~ )
'\/ <^\ /^>
_\ >-__-< /_
(___\ /___)


it's a percentage, silly.
out of the 100 that do, 10 can't view it.

Percentages can not be transposed between populations. So you are
No, there aren't.

Why does this group have a higher percentage of non IE usage?
that's why I didn't make groups. I used the entire Internet.

Groups visit websites, not the entire Internet. Kids visit cartoon
Musicians visit guitarcenter.com people that don't play music generally
don't, Dieters visit ediets.com skinny people generally don't

The characteristics of human populations and population segments,
especially when used to identify consumer markets. Learn it and be
70% of this newsgroup (it's not a forum) do not represent the "average
joe" of the WWW.

There is no "internet average joe" It changes depending on the content.
(look up demographics)

Weyoun the Dancing Borg

Whitecrest said:
Percentages can not be transposed between populations. So you are

No, in this context, percentages of web users are entirely relavent.
We're talking about end users, not people at alt.html. So stop sticking
your head up your arse and pay attention.

Why does this group have a higher percentage of non IE usage?

because most of the regulars here are web developers and/dor website
designers and know better than to use IE as their main browser. This
does not constitute the average joe of the web.

Groups visit websites, not the entire Internet. Kids visit cartoon
Musicians visit guitarcenter.com people that don't play music generally
don't, Dieters visit ediets.com skinny people generally don't

The characteristics of human populations and population segments,
especially when used to identify consumer markets.

Exactly my point, and the average joe will pick IE as a browser becuse
they either dont know any better or find it to their preference. Do you
want me to find figures for avery WWW viewers and IE as their browser?

Learn it and be

again, get your head out of your arse. Read the original post, read my
reponse and either admit you are wrong or you don't understand what I said.

Are you suggesting that Average Joe website viewer is not using internet
explorer as their web browser?

There is no "internet average joe" It changes depending on the content.
(look up demographics)

put up or shut up.


Quiet, Pinky; I'm pondering.
_ _
/~\\ \ //~\
| \\ \ // |
[ || || ]
] Y || || Y [
| \_|l,------.l|_/ |
| >' `< |
\ (/~`--____--'~\) /
/\(__,>-~~ __)
/\//\\( `--~~ )
'\/ <^\ /^>
_\ >-__-< /_
(___\ /___)

Mark Parnell

same but the Americans say "trash" whilst the English say "Rubbish".

And we say garbage. :)
Australians say "Dexters" and the English say "Felt Tip Pens". The

I've never heard of a "dexter" - do you mean texta? That's different to
a felt-tip pen, anyway. Unless the English have another name for what we
call felt-tip pens...
I personally use Notepad since it lets me controll my code completely,

Why not at least use a program with syntax highlighting? Makes the job
much easier. Then again, YMMV. :)

Weyoun the Dancing Borg

Whitecrest said:
<snip everything>
You obviously do not understand demographics. That's ok, a lot here
don't so you fit in nicely

yeah, ok, whatever. I'm going to stop there. Either you're too arrogant
to admint that you read my post wrong or you're stupid. I'm leaning
towards arrogant because you know quite a bit about HTML.

Weyoun the Dancing Borg

Mark said:
I've never heard of a "dexter" - do you mean texta? That's different to
a felt-tip pen, anyway. Unless the English have another name for what we
call felt-tip pens...

heh - I lived ther ein 89 as a child - it might be called "Texta" (and
that would make a little more sense) but I distincly remember going into
a stationary shop, asking for "felt tips" and after about 5 minutes and
a confused conversation, was told to buy Dexters (or "textas" as they
may be pronounced)

theyw ere felt tips :)

Why not at least use a program with syntax highlighting? Makes the job
much easier. Then again, YMMV. :)

cos with pure HTML im usually good enough not to need it :D

if it doesnt *work* then I'll use Dreamweaver's HTML editor sicne I find
it useful sometimes :)


Quiet, Pinky; I'm pondering.
_ _
/~\\ \ //~\
| \\ \ // |
[ || || ]
] Y || || Y [
| \_|l,------.l|_/ |
| >' `< |
\ (/~`--____--'~\) /
/\(__,>-~~ __)
/\//\\( `--~~ )
'\/ <^\ /^>
_\ >-__-< /_
(___\ /___)

Bill Clark

Weyoun said:
then why spend $xxx on Frontpage when you can use notpad or any number
of free text editors, yes, even ones that colour-code the HTML for easy
editing and reading instead?

Never could figure that out either...


yeah, ok, whatever. I'm going to stop there. Either you're too arrogant
to admint that you read my post wrong or you're stupid. I'm leaning
towards arrogant because you know quite a bit about HTML.

Most just say ass hole, but either way, you (like may others) refuse to
admit that demographics have anything to do with browser usage, even
though you point out in your own example that it does.

I find that amusing.

Karl Groves

Weyoun the Dancing Borg said:
yeah, ok, whatever. I'm going to stop there. Either you're too arrogant
to admint that you read my post wrong or you're stupid.

I vote "stupid" as his reason for his stupid red herring arguments
Which is exactly why a lot of people have him killfiled.



I vote "stupid" as his reason for his stupid red herring arguments
Which is exactly why a lot of people have him killfiled.

There is a difference between the "real business world" And your
"everyone's happy" world. The real world is where the jobs and the
money is. Please feel free to play in "happy land" all you want.

Happy trails Karl....

Andy Dingley

Weyoun the Dancing Borg said:
Apache uses front page server extensions?

No, it doesn't "use" them, but it can certainly offer them to those
that do need to use them.

However FPSE are downright evil and a good way to create big problems
for yourself (Google for my past rants).

Oh, and BTW:

1). You are clearly being an ass in this thread, particularly when it
comes to sampling theory across an inhomogeneous demographic.

2). You have an enormous and silly ASCII-art .sig

3). I have no idea of any parental elderberry fragrancing issues you
may have, but I have my suspicions.

Weyoun the Dancing Borg

Andy said:
Oh, and BTW:

1). You are clearly being an ass in this thread, particularly when it
comes to sampling theory across an inhomogeneous demographic.


I said about 80-90% of web viewers use internet explorer. Is this incorrect?

I said out of 500 million people on the net, if you design a site that
will only work in IE, then you are excluding at least 50 million people
from viewing the site correctly. Is this incorrect?

I said that the people in alt.html are not "typical" net users in that
most of us are professionals who know better than to use IE as a default
web browser, and using alt.html statistics for web-surfing preferences
is not a correct way to factor in browser statistics. Is this incorrect?

2). You have an enormous and silly ASCII-art .sig

Well I guess I better dig a nuclear bunker because my sig has caused the
end of the world.

3). I have no idea of any parental elderberry fragrancing issues you
may have, but I have my suspicions.

I have no idea what that is supposed to mean.

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