Juan Zanos
That is very hard to read indeed, but why?
def foo( bar )
This is not so much better!
We are all totally accustomed to the fact that foos and bars designate
the same kind of thing.
I therefore think that
def fact n
is more readable for most people than
def n( fact )
which is nonsense of course (in the particular context).
Naming seems more important than params or not params (of course if I
might say?).
There are some people who begin the Zoo at the beginning, called
WAYIN, and walk as quickly as they can past every cage until they get
to the one called WAYOUT, but the nicest people go straight to the
animal they love the most, and stay there. ~ A.A. Milne (from
Good point. Syntax isn't all there is to readability. But it does =20
have some effect.
In this case the parenthesis don't make anything inherently more =20
readable and aren't helpful in resolving the nonsense names. The =20
parenthesis are only meaningful if you already know what they mean. =20
Readability arguments are often tainted by experience with previous =20
languages. And it must be remembered that no programmer is born =20
knowing a previous programming language. If we insist, implicitly or =20=
otherwise, that readability means that something looks like 'C' or =20
Java or any other language then we place limits on how much we can =20
simplify syntax. I'd actually say that each example with parenthesis =20=
requires a lot more explanation of why they are their, what they =20
mean, what are the syntax rules that govern them, etc.