What do you think of this Python logo?


Peter Hansen

Brandon J. Van Every said:
What do you think of this Python logo?
Good, bad, indifferent, love it, hate it?

Pretty slick, although at least the larger version look a lot like
an egg being impregnated by a sperm...

Has potential though. What about minus the planet?


Christopher Koppler

What do you think of this Python logo?
Good, bad, indifferent, love it, hate it?

It doesn't really leap at me and shout "Python", despite the large
Optima text, so I'd give it e**(i*pi). But I probably wouldn't know a
good Python logo if it swallowed me whole...

Edward K. Ream

Creative, different, interesting. Thanks for this link.

I like the logo at larger sizes more than at smaller sizes. The large print
size is beautiful.

The shadows "under" the earth make it look like the earth is on a pedestal
to me, esp. on the gray background. Also, it would be nice to have the
snake have eyes at larger sizes.


Irmen de Jong

Brandon said:
What do you think of this Python logo?

Mixed feelings. I'm not sure what the globe is doing there.
Also as Edward noted it would be nice to have a little
bit more detail in the large versions: eyes in the snake,
or perhaps even a little tongue sticking out?


Peter Hansen

Brandon J. Van Every said:
Brandon's Law (after Godwin's Law):
"As a Usenet discussion grows longer, the probability of
a person being called a troll approaches one RAPIDLY."

Hmm... if that happens, should one *duck*? ;-)

(I guess you meant 1.0, not one as in "a person".)


Erik Max Francis

Irmen said:
Mixed feelings. I'm not sure what the globe is doing there.
Also as Edward noted it would be nice to have a little
bit more detail in the large versions: eyes in the snake,
or perhaps even a little tongue sticking out?

I like the stylized snake, but don't like the lettering -- the font is
too boring, and the first two letters in a darker blue than the rest is
at first glance distracting since it looks like a mistake.

A more distinctive typeface, perhaps threaded through the stylized,
looping snake, would look better, I think.

John Roth

Brandon J. Van Every said:
What do you think of this Python logo?
Good, bad, indifferent, love it, hate it?

Cheers, www.indiegamedesign.com
Brandon Van Every Seattle, WA

Brandon's Law (after Godwin's Law):
"As a Usenet discussion grows longer, the probability of
a person being called a troll approaches one RAPIDLY."

Looks a little bit like the Worm Oroboros (sp?) when it
took a break from chewing on its tail.

John Roth

Scott Chapman

What do you think of this Python logo?
Good, bad, indifferent, love it, hate it?

I like it.
I like the font. It shrinks well and is not obnoxious.

Perhaps you could make the color gradient start at the left of the O and
go all the way through the text, or others could in their private
variations on the logo. Of course, the world would not be included in
the gradient.

Perhaps shading it greener (or dark green -> light green) would be more
in keeping with historical Python logos?

Where'd the earth picture come from? I don't think it's an actual
satellite photo? I think it would be very cool and appropriate if it
was a real satellite photo!


Douglas Alan

Rainer Deyke said:
-1. The snake doesn't look like a snake, the globe is gratuitious, and the
typeface looks boring.

I think you miss the point. The snake is more simple and elegent than
your typical snake, yet it still manages to swallow its own tail.
The globe is the iris in it's all-encompassing eye.


Jegenye 2001 Bt

Irmen de Jong said:
Mixed feelings. I'm not sure what the globe is doing there.
Also as Edward noted it would be nice to have a little
bit more detail in the large versions: eyes in the snake,
or perhaps even a little tongue sticking out?


Bad feelings. I like that cartoon style, tongue-in-cheek traditional logo
since that doesn't resemble a real snake..
This drawing is actually much more like a ,er.., sperm. I don't think
that's a good idea for a logo.. :)


Yu Wang

Aha, You should be humorous. But it indeed makes some sense.

I like the idea behind the pic: neat, simple. But I don't like the shape
of the snake.

Christopher Koppler

I like it.
I like the font. It shrinks well and is not obnoxious.

The font is the traditional beauty products font Optima, which I don't
think is the image that should get across. Although... Make up your
code with Python! sounds silly enough at this time of morning that it
could work.

Sean Ross

Peter Hansen said:
Pretty slick, although at least the larger version look a lot like
an egg being impregnated by a sperm...

Has potential though. What about minus the planet?


I don't mind the snake, but I would lose the planet ("Python is taking over
the world!" ... ahem ... right ... ok, then ...), and perhaps add eyes, so
it looks less like sperm. I would also probably move the snake logo into the
text to replace the 'O' in Python. (I think I saw an early version of this
where that was done). It's odd - sure, it's a coiled snake beside the word
"Python" but, for some reason, they don't really seem to have anything to do
with one another. At least, not to me.

Anyway. If I could draw, I would probably try to make the snake in the shape
of the letter "P" - something like this
http://chat.carleton.ca/~sross/py.JPG (only not drawn with a mouse in
MSPAINT, like this was :). Kind of a cross between "GAP" and the Portishead
logo - um, but with a snake. Slick it up a bit and it might make a good
T-Shirt ... or, not ...

OK, so, good luck with whatever it is you're doing,


The logo at python.com (yeah, _that_ python.com) with the green, bared-fang
snake, and the electrified "Powered by Python" is pretty cool (though not
really corporate, which is what it looks like you're after). Too bad it's on
a porn site ...

Patrick Ellis

Sean Ross said:
I don't mind the snake, but I would lose the planet ("Python is taking over
the world!" ... ahem ... right ... ok, then ...), and perhaps add eyes, so
it looks less like sperm.

Anyway. If I could draw, I would probably try to make the snake in the shape
of the letter "P" - something like this
http://chat.carleton.ca/~sross/py.JPG (only not drawn with a mouse in
MSPAINT, like this was :). Kind of a cross between "GAP" and the Portishead
logo - um, but with a snake. Slick it up a bit and it might make a good
T-Shirt ... or, not ...

The logo at python.com (yeah, _that_ python.com) with the green, bared-fang
snake, and the electrified "Powered by Python" is pretty cool (though not
really corporate, which is what it looks like you're after). Too bad it's on
a porn site ...

All the logos seem to be purely snake oriented. There is nothing about the
Monty kind of Python. I don't think a snake with a silly walk would work as
a logo. Maybe a snake with a napkin on its head?

Patrick Ellis

Christopher Koppler

All the logos seem to be purely snake oriented. There is nothing about the
Monty kind of Python. I don't think a snake with a silly walk would work as
a logo. Maybe a snake with a napkin on its head?

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