what editor do you use?


Ville Vainio

Roy> some kind of IDE (Integrated Development Environment).
Roy> Perhaps the one hard and fast requirement is that whatever
Roy> you pick can be made to either only use spaces or only use
Roy> tabs for indenting.

New code should only have spaces. It's official, or at least "strongly

Roy> My personal belief is that using all spaces is the way to go.
Roy> Other people can make some reasonable arguments why all tabs
Roy> is better. But

Well, not really. The only excuse to use tabs is using a broken editor
that can't produce spaces when pressing tab. If one is just choosing
an editor, it's easy to avoid broken ones.

Roy> incalculable grief. If you DAGS for "tab space indent
Roy> python" you'll find enough reading material on the topic to
Roy> keep you busy for a while.

And also get an interesting glimpse at the dark side of the Python
community ;-).

Richie Hindle

[SciTE] can call external utilities. I use it with Astyle and
HTML Tidy. One click reformatting of source code.

"One click"? You mean can run the current buffer through an external
program and replace the buffer with the output? How do you do that?



Question about Scite :

I like it, it's very fast ! However it insists on saving the current
buffer when I switch to another buffer, and deletes the Undo history. This
is very annoying. Any idea how to fix that ?

Thanks !

Brian van den Broek

Pierre-Frédéric Caillaud said unto the world upon 05/07/2004 05:04:
Question about Scite :

I like it, it's very fast ! However it insists on saving the current
buffer when I switch to another buffer, and deletes the Undo history.
This is very annoying. Any idea how to fix that ?

Thanks !

Salut Pierre-Frédéric,

I have only had SciTE for a few days, so I am no expert. But mine doesn't
do that. You might try the User properties File (you can open it via the
options menu). In the #Checking section there is an option for reloads
preserving undos. That is the only setting I can think of that I changed
and might be related. (The documentation for SciTE walks through some of
the less intuitive settings.)


Brian vdB

Franz Steinhaeusler

SciTE is the editor I have been looking for all these
Some of the highlights:

* The code folding is superb - it even folds HTML!
and class browser.

if you have wxpython installed, there is a class browser add-on.

(in german):


and add to your python.properties file:

command.name.2.*=Class Browser
"$(FileDir)" "$(WindowID)"

replace the path with your location of scite browser:

Franz Steinhaeusler

* Can call external utilities. I use it with Astyle and
HTML Tidy. One click reformatting of source code.

astyle (from sourceforge(?)) handles python code?
if so, how can you integrate it into the scite editor?

thank you in advance,

Jon Perez

Franz said:
> astyle (from sourceforge(?)) handles python code?
> if so, how can you integrate it into the scite editor?

> "One click"? You mean can run the current buffer through an external
> program and replace the buffer with the output? How do you do that?

Learned the stuff below from the SciTE docs... you should
also post future questions in the scite-interest list at
lyra.org so we won't be OT here in comp.lang.python.

My Astyle and HTMLTidy settings are as follows:

In cpp.properties...

command.name.0.$(file.patterns.cpp)=Astyle File
command.0.$(file.patterns.cpp)=astyle --style=kr -s2 -o $(FileNameExt)

In html.properties...

command.name.0.$(file.patterns.tidy)=Tidy Entire File
command.0.$(file.patterns.tidy)=tidy -q -m "$(FileNameExt)"

command.name.1.$(file.patterns.tidy)=Tidy Selection
command.1.$(file.patterns.tidy)=tidy -q --show-body-only yes

command.name.2.$(file.patterns.tidy)=Tidy Lint
command.2.$(file.patterns.tidy)=tidy -q -o nul "$(FileNameExt)"

(Tidy integration for Selection and Lint is not as clean as I would want...)

Pierre-Frédéric said:
> I like it, it's very fast ! However it insists on saving the current
> buffer when I switch to another buffer, and deletes the Undo history.
> This is very annoying. Any idea how to fix that ?

Set reload.preserves.undo=1 in SciTEGlobal.properties might fix this.

Martin Maney

Ville Vainio said:
Well, not really. The only excuse to use tabs is using a broken editor
that can't produce spaces when pressing tab.

Oh, I see! You want abuse - that's down the hall.

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