what IDE is the best to write python?


Peter Anderson

I have a "thing" about editors; a good editor is my tool of trade! I
have tried many editors over the years mainly in the MS Windows, Linux
and IBM mainframe environments. After all this I really like EditPlus
(and the a slightly lesser extent Textpad). What both have in common is
their "Clip Library" or "Clip Text" (I think its called in Textpad).

A Clip Library is a simple text file that appears in a side panel next
to the main edit panel. Double click on a Clip Library element and it is
automatically pasted into the edit panel at the current cursor position.
The Clip Library content can also be pased around highlighted text in
the edit panel.

Here is a simple of an EditPlus Clip Library for what I call a "short

#T=Short script
^# ^!.py
^# The purpose of this script is

def main():
{code here}


#T=Next Clip Library element

#T= defines the name of the Clip Library element

^# the "^" character must proceed a character that is normally a Clip
Library syntax character but which you want to use in another context (a
Python line comment in this case)

^! is the cursor positin after the Clip Library element has been
inserted, in this case the cursor is positioned to alloy the name of the
script to be typed

The Clip Library element ends when the Clip Library "parser" finds
either another element definition or the end of the file.

Clip Libraries are stored in simple text files.

This is such a simple concept but is so very productive. Who needs an
IDE?. I would love to have a Linux text editor (like Scite or GEdit)
that could do this.

*Peter Anderson*
There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to
conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the
introduction of a new order of things—Niccolo Machiavelli, /The Prince/,
ch. 6

Russ P.

You favor bleeding eyes?

If I am going to bleed anywhere, I'd actually prefer it be somewhere
other than the eyes. Well, maybe not the gonads either. That's a tough
call. In any case, I use xemacs, and I've always liked color
highlighting. Not that it really helps much, but it "spices up" the
code and stimulates the eyes and brain. When I see the same code
without color highlighting, it just seems bland, like something is
missing. It seems like just "text" rather than "code."

Thorsten Kampe

* Aahz (2 Feb 2009 09:29:43 -0800)
Polarized sunglasses don't work too well with LCD monitors

Well, the answer to your issue with syntax highlighting is to use a
/decent/ highlighting colour scheme. Don't use that all
purple/red/green/yellow/blue one. That's for psychedelic trips.

Use a decent colour scheme for adults and you will see that you will
benefit from syntax highlighting.


Thorsten Kampe

* Russ P. (Mon, 2 Feb 2009 22:18:20 -0800 (PST))
If I am going to bleed anywhere, I'd actually prefer it be somewhere
other than the eyes. Well, maybe not the gonads either. That's a tough
call. In any case, I use xemacs, and I've always liked color
highlighting. Not that it really helps much, but it "spices up" the
code and stimulates the eyes and brain. When I see the same code
without color highlighting, it just seems bland, like something is
missing. It seems like just "text" rather than "code."

Absolutely correct and probably 99% of all programmers see it like that.
The trick here is to use colour sparingly. This is not only true for
syntax highlighting but for any kind of highlighting like in prompts and
ls/dircolors: use it right and your ability to grasp and categorize the
provided information will improve, use too much colour and you will go
blind...( ;-) )


Marco Mariani

Russ said:
highlighting. Not that it really helps much, but it "spices up" the
code and stimulates the eyes and brain. When I see the same code
without color highlighting, it just seems bland, like something is
missing. It seems like just "text" rather than "code."

Plus, it can be configured to induce seizures when the programmer tries
to write private methods ;)


* Aahz (2 Feb 2009 09:29:43 -0800)

Well, the answer to your issue with syntax highlighting is to use a
/decent/ highlighting colour scheme. Don't use that all
purple/red/green/yellow/blue one. That's for psychedelic trips.

Use a decent colour scheme for adults and you will see that you will
benefit from syntax highlighting.

Then I have the problem of copying around the syntax highlighting
configuration to every computer I use.

Catherine Heathcote

Tim said:
Ed? Eee, tha' were lucky. We had to make holes in Hollerith cards wi'
our bare teeth...

You had teeth!?!

Oh and hi, I shall be a new face in the crowd ;)


Quoth (e-mail address removed) (Aahz):
Then I have the problem of copying around the syntax highlighting
configuration to every computer I use.

Well, _that's_ easy to fix. I have a little bash script called
'synchome' that uses rsync to update the home directory on any
of the remote machines on which I work. I've had to install
rsync on one or two of the boxes, but that's a useful thing to
do anyway.

(Granted, I still have a couple bugs to work out, where I haven't
taken the time to conditionalize things properly for some of
the more exotic machine configurations, but hey, if I spend
more time on those machines I'll get around to it...)

Now, if you are a Windows user, then I sympathise...a little :)


Steve Holden

Tim said:
Ed? Eee, tha' were lucky. We had to make holes in Hollerith cards wi'
our bare teeth...
Cards? Teeth? You were lucky! We 'ad ter stare at t'paper tape until the
intensity of our gaze burned holes in it. If yer got one wrong yer 'ad
ter tear it up and start all over again.

And yer tell these young folk and they just don't believe yer.


Robert Kern

You had teeth!?!

Oh and hi, I shall be a new face in the crowd ;)


Robert Kern

"I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
an underlying truth."
-- Umberto Eco


Hi all
   what IDE is the best to write python?
from Peter ([email protected])

I use a combination of:

2. Eclipse with PyDev extensions
3. NetBeans with Python Module installed

When I'm working directly on development boxes, making quick changes,
I'll use VI/VIM. When I'm only doing Python / Django backend
development and working with Subversion I'll use Eclipse. If I'm on a
project where I need to do Java ME work and Python / Django backend
development, then I'll use NetBeans.

My recommendation is try 3 or 4 and pick one that you feel comfortable

Trav (",) T

Bob Martin

in 100686 20090203 181957 Catherine Heathcote said:
You had teeth!?!

Oh and hi, I shall be a new face in the crowd ;)

Oh dear! You'd better tell them what they're in for ;-)

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