What is Borges?


Carl Youngblood

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Good points. The second problem could be fixed by not storing state
information in the session. Store information in the page itself or in
the URL that determines whose record you are updating and only use the
session for checking who is logged in and what their permissions are.
The problem with limited GET size would never be a problem for me
because all I hold in the session is usually a session id (32 bytes) and
maybe a userid and username of who is logged in. All other information
I can retrieve on a per-page basis from the database. Session bloat is
IMO something that should be strictly avoided, especially because
storing something in a session is inherently unsafe. The brownie idea
is what amazon.com uses. It's actually a pretty good solution. And of
course, none of these solutions will help a user who forgets to log out.

One. Picture two students, roommates, with one computer between them.
Student "A" logs into the online registration app and registers for a
few classes, and then minimizes the browser window without logging
out. Shortly thereafter, Student "B" comes along, opens a new browser
window (not realizing that there is already a window open, but
minimized) and logs into the online registration app. He then
registers for a few classes, and closes his window (without logging
out). Student "A" returns, and restores his browser window, intending
to add a few more classes. AT THIS POINT, THE SESSION REFLECTS THE
ACTIVITY OF STUDENT B, NOT STUDENT A. When Student A adds a class, he
inadvertantly adds it to Student B's schedule, which may not actually
be realized until the semester starts. This problem actually bit us
hard a few years ago.
Two. Picture an administrative employee. They are editing a student's
grade history when they get a phone call. It is another student with a
question about their grades, so the employee (not wishing to lose
their place) opens a new window and uses it to answer the student's
question. Then, they close that new window to return to their place.
STUDENT'S IDENTITY. Thus, when the employee changes a grade, it goes
to the caller's record, not the original student's! This also bit us
hard a few years ago.

We got around this by using what we have called a "brownie." It is the
encoded and encrypted session information, stored in a hidden field on
the page itself and propogated via POSTs. (Another problem with using
GET, in addition to what I've read in this thread, is that GETs are
technically limited to 1k of data, which--in our case--is often
insufficient to transmit the brownie.)

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Francis Hwang

Julian Fitzell said:
Seaside/Borges use GET parameters for session. Avi and I do not like
using cookies for session keys, not just because of the obvious problem
that some people disable cookies but also because it prevents the user
from having two windows open in two different sessions at the same time.

It wouldn't be hard at all to support cookie-based session keys
instead--just a simple matter of programming--but we have no desire to
have such a feature. We have had clients express interest, though, so
if it was something that somebody really wanted, we would probably
consider adding it (to seaside, that is).

What does a session imply here? Is there any room in this paradigm for
reflecting some state in a cookie and some state in a URL?

Let's say I'm selling some of my old CDs online, using a site that
uses cookies for login. And I want to reprice them by opening up a
bunch of tabs in my browser, which all might point to URLs like


There are two types of state here: The logic information keyed to a
cookie, and the item information keyed in the URL. Is this the sort of
thing that could be done in Borges?

From seeing the presentation at RubyConf last year it seemed very
impressive to me, but at the same time I had reservations because it
seemed like URLs that are so dependent on state would heavily resist
bookmarking ... are those reservations fair?


Julian Fitzell

Carl said:
That is what I have seen usually done.

Borges doesn't use meaningful values for parameters in URLs. All the
GET/POST parameters are unique keys which tell the system which link to
click on, etc. Every link, every button, and every form field has an
associated callback block which, in the case of a button or link is
executed or in the case of a field is passed the new value for the
field. You never need to think about marshalling the state out as a
string in the URL. If you iterate over a list of objects and print out
an anchor for each, the object will get captured in the context of the
callback block and you'll have it to work with when the block is executed.

But see below...

Bookmarking is an issue with Seaside/Borges just as it would be with,
say, Microsoft Word. But again, it just comes down to defining your
desired semantics. What does it mean if I create a bookmark while in
the find and replace dialog with foo.doc open and "bar" typed in the
find field?

If I go back to that bookmark do I expect to be in the same place? with
the same file open? with the field filled in? What does the user
expect a bookmark to be when they're in the middle of buying the items
in their Amazon cart?
That's what I've been told. Supposedly Borges is for application
development so users shouldn't be bookmarking URLs, since they reflect a
particular state of the program and not a place where content is

It's not that the user *shouldn't* be bookmarking. It's just that the
semantics aren't necessarily clear. But you're right that
Seaside/Borges are primarily designed for web /application/ development.
It makes many of the problems like complex session state and program
flow simple but the tradeoffs may not be worth it for all projects.
Pick the right tool for each job...
located. I disagree with this compartmentalization, since I can
envision plenty of content-based web sites that use authentication.

I'm not sure I understand the significance you attribute to
authentication here.

The way Seaside handles bookmarking in general (not sure if Borges
implements this) is that you can add URL segments for your own use. So,
by default it might generate a URL that looks like:


but you can, based on the section you're currently in, ask it to make a
URL like this instead:


If the session key and page key can be found, the user will go back to
exactly the same place in their session. If they cannot, you are given
a chance to select a default entry point. You can then use
/browse/8789/ to figure out that they were on a browse page looking at
item 8789.

It just comes down to figuring out the semantics you want (same as with
the back button). Heck, if you have enough disk space, you can write
all the sessions out to disk so if the user ever comes back with a
bookmark, they'll actually end up exactly where they left off. Let's
see Word try that... ;)


Kirk Haines

On Sat, 8 May 2004 13:03:56 +0900, Francis Hwang wrote
What does a session imply here? Is there any room in this paradigm
for reflecting some state in a cookie and some state in a URL?

A session is all of the data that makes up a user's unique interaction with
the application.

With Iowa one can use the query string portion of a URL, if one wants.
However, in my own use I've never found the need to put data back into a
query string. It's simply used as an entry point to provide parameters.

Example: I have an application that provides a report on roof conditions
for buildings. This application takes a set of query string parameters that
provide information on what data to query for the report. The report,
however, is interactive, so once they click on a control to start changing
what is being displayed in the report, the query string parameters are left
behind and everything is kept on the server associated with the session.
Let's say I'm selling some of my old CDs online, using a site that
uses cookies for login. And I want to reprice them by opening up a
bunch of tabs in my browser, which all might point to URLs like


There are two types of state here: The logic information keyed to a
cookie, and the item information keyed in the URL. Is this the sort
of thing that could be done in Borges?

Not exactly the way that you show. *ponder* Hmm, Eric, how would you do
this with Borges?

With Iowa, if one expected that someone would want to do this, then one
could create an entry point into the application mapping /reprice to the
Reprice component, for example. And the Reprice component would look for an
item= parameter to get the item number. This would let the application
construct URLs like this:


and so on.

Kirk Haines

Kirk Haines

On Sat, 8 May 2004 13:19:37 +0900, Carl Youngblood wrote
That's what I've been told. Supposedly Borges is for application
development so users shouldn't be bookmarking URLs, since they
reflect a particular state of the program and not a place where
content is located. I disagree with this compartmentalization,
since I can envision plenty of content-based web sites that use
authentication. Please correct me if I'm wrong here, Borges people.

If you have an application that a mutual fund company uses to enter
performance information about their funds for their web site, creating a
bookmark in the middle of that application isn't going to be useful as the
content at that time is inherently transitional. The user is in the middle
of doing something, and when that something is done, that prior state is no
longer relevant. So, one can bookmark the entry point into the application,
but bookmarks while working in the application are going to be ugly URLs
that are only relevant for a limited period of time. This is the kind of
application that the Borges model works well for.

The places where the model gets difficult are for sites that have sections
that are application-like, but have other areas that are not. A job search
site, for example, fits this. You have several areas that are small
applications in a job search site, from entering information to searching
it. while holding onto some session data such as your login id. However,
when you find a piece of information that is of interest, you want to be
able to bookmark it and be able to come back to the same piece of data an
hour, a day, or a week later.

If you want to do the whole site in Borges, instead of choosing to write
just the inherently transitional application areas like the data entry areas
in Borges, and the other end-data areas in something else, it may be
difficult (though, I think, possible, if someone really wanted to do it).

At one point I ran into this very problem with Iowa at one point. I was
taking over a large site that had been implemented in ASP. I, however, was
getting none of the ASP that actually implemented the site, and one of the
site's features is that most of its URLs have 2 different pieces of content,
depending on whether one is logged into the site or not (and a login gets
tracked with a cookie). Additionally, there are areas interspersed through
the site where one gets into application-like interfaces, with data entry or
with pages getting a lot of data from a database. So I needed to be able to
do a whole site dynamically in the sense that login information has to be
checked for every page load, and one of two content pieces delivered
depending on that login information. Additionally, in some cases those
content pieces had to themselves be dynamic and application-like. And
nearly every URL has to be a clean looking, bookmarkable URL.

I looked at 6 or 7 different ways of doing this, but I really wanted to be
able to implement the entire site under the same framework for simplicity's
sake, and I really liked how easy it was to build dynamic content displays
under Iowa. In the end I built a relatively simple mapping layer to map
URLs to specific components. Voila! All the ease and simplicity of Iowa
templating and dynamic content generation; I could do the whole site under
it, using its features where I needed them and just using plain HTML files
for the static content areas where I didn't.

Ah, baby is crying, so I'll quit rambing and go soothe a little girl, now.

Kirk Haines

Kaspar Schiess

Hash: SHA1

Carl Youngblood wrote:

| That's what I've been told. Supposedly Borges is for application
| development so users shouldn't be bookmarking URLs, since they reflect a
| particular state of the program and not a place where content is
| located. I disagree with this compartmentalization, since I can
| envision plenty of content-based web sites that use authentication.
| Please correct me if I'm wrong here, Borges people.

There are two kinds of state information in Borges, as in every other
web application:
a) Stuff that is page view related
b) Stuff that is session releated

And of course there is a third category that needs to stick around like
my login at rubyforge for example (if I choose it to stick around).

The two points a) and b) can easily be done in Borges in a scope that is
limited by a session timeout (600 secs default). After that, things get
cleared and user restarts from scratch, *unless* of course the
application saves off some state to a database, like my basket's
contents. Or saves it off to the users computer, like my login cookie.

Limited support for path handling is also provided, meaning that if my
application lives at /borges/app, I can provide bookmark links to
/borges/app/user/manager and have new sessions to that path directly
start at the right point in application. Using this feature, I can even
deal out a bookmark to /borges/app/user/manager@SESSIONID to my friends.
This will prompt a new session if SESSIONID is old, or reuse the old
session, *unless* the old session depends on a cookie for authorization
of course.

So everything that always was there can be done with Borges, it's just
that it makes handling of short time application state a lot easier with
the added bonus of being able to fork&backtrack user threads (not in an
os kind of meaning here).

The bookmarking of application state is encouraged on a short time
scale, and can be made possible on a long time scale.

Now to the question where you would use Borges, I think that your
average display of dynamic lists from a database is not where Borges is
best. (For example shops, search over a big database with result
browsing, etc..) Borges is very good at neatly describing complex
interaction tasks: Everything that goes in the direction of one window
on top of that other one, closing it and reopening another one.. in
short the more complex application like web interactions that are a pain
to bring to life with traditional request/response web systems.

It probably is wise to mix Borges in on systems partly built with
traditional paradigms.

These are extremely complex issues to explain when trying to describe it
~ based on the vocabulary that is in use on the web right now. I would
encourage you all to make a short investigation, running the tests and
considering the implications.

- --

semantics & semiotics
code manufacture

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Chad Fowler

So far, Borges is on par with Seaside 2.3 for the purposes of evaluating

Just to clarify Eric, what do you mean by this exactly? Do you mean
that Borges has innovated as much as Seaside has or that Borges is
essentially the same as Seaside, so the innovations from Seaside have
been included?

The SVG stuff sounds pretty neat. I didn't realize that Borges had an
active mailing list. I'll add that to my too-long list of
subscriptions. :)


Julian Fitzell

Just as a further piece of information, the Borges you're all talking
about (for Ruby) is a port of Borges for Smalltalk. Borges is what we
called the new kernel of Seaside 2.x while it was in development. The
name never really stuck though and we mostly just refer to Seaside2 now,
but if you read the quote at http://www.beta4.com/seaside2/ you'll see
where the name Borges comes from.

The Borges kernel docs are at http://beta4.com/seaside2/borges.html in
case anyone is interested in taking a look. It's pretty low-level (not
designed for end-users) and isn't at all up-to-date for the 2.5.x series
that is currently in alpha.



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