David Hopwood
Chris said:At the same time, though, maybe I do want
the compiler to infer that tax cannot be negative (or maybe it can; I'm
not an accountant; I know my tax has never been negative), [...]
Tax can be negative, e.g. when a business is claiming back VAT (sales tax)
on its purchases, but the things it is selling have lower-rated or zero
VAT (or it is making a loss).
Note that even without encapsulation, the kind of typing information
we're looking at can be very non-trivial in an imperative language. For
example, I may need to express a method signature that is kind of like
1. The first parameter is an int, which is either between 4 and 8, or
between 11 and 17.
2. The second parameter is a pointer to an object, whose 'foo' field is
an int between 0 and 5, and whose 'bar' field is a pointer to another
object with three fields 'a', 'b', and 'c', each of which has the full
range of an unconstrained IEEE double precision floating point number.
3. After the method returns, it will be known that if this object
previously had its 'baz' field in the range m .. n, it is now in the
range (m - 5) .. (n + 1).
4. After the method returns, it will be known that the object reached by
following the 'bar' field of the second parameter will be modified so
that the first two of its floating point numbers are guaranteed to be of
the opposite sign as they were before, and that if they were infinity,
they are now finite.
5. After the method returns, the object referred to by the global
variable 'zab' has 0 as the value of its 'c' field.
Just expressing all of that in a method signature looks interesting
enough. If we start adding abstraction to the type constraints on
objects to support encapsulation (as I think you'd have to do), then
things get even more interesting.
1 and 2 are easy enough. 3 to 5 are best expressed as assertions rather
than types.