hi i used husdon to build a war and auto deploy to my tomcat every 1
hour, so when i browse to my tomcat, i always see the my latest
webapp. If i am doing standalone app, even hudson can build a jar for
me, i still need a lot of step to run it manually, so i think it is
not a great advantage.
just in case: maven is just a build system, hudson provides continuous
integration and for that it supports maven or many other build systems.
the goal of continuous integration is not that "you seee your last app"
at any moment, but to verify that the app is always in consistent state
at any moment, and that you will know if it is not. this verification is
done by running automated tests when anything changes.
now, these automated tests you have to write yourself, and the tools
needed for this depend entirely on the type and purpose of your apps and
on what you want to test. if you do not have automated testing for that
app then continuous integration is of little value. it may be even
dangerous. some kitten could die, man!
One point I agree with maven is that it can manage the dependence
version more easily. But this is not a very bid advantage for me. That
why i ask the questionin here. thanks
if you alerady use maven and your next project fits, i guess the natural
choice is to keep using maven. the less tools the better, but choose