what is the advantage of using maven for java standalone app



Hi all
I can feel the advantage of using maven to build webapp, please tell me what is the advantage of using maven for build standalone java app?
from Peter ([email protected])

Stanimir Stamenkov

Sat, 13 Apr 2013 04:37:25 -0700 (PDT), /[email protected]/:
I can feel the advantage of using maven to build webapp, please
tell me what is the advantage of using maven for build standalone
java app?

Out of curiosity, what advantage do you feel about using Maven to
build a webapp? Why your feeling doesn't apply for building a
standalone java app?

Kind of schizophrenic. :)


Stanimir Stamenkovæ–¼ 2013å¹´4月13日星期六UTC+8下åˆ10時02分49秒寫é“:
Sat, 13 Apr 2013 04:37:25 -0700 (PDT), /[email protected]/:

Out of curiosity, what advantage do you feel about using Maven to

build a webapp? Why your feeling doesn't apply for building a

standalone java app?

Kind of schizophrenic. :)

advantage is , i can use husdon to do continue integration, this not very possible to a standalone app

Arved Sandstrom

Sat, 13 Apr 2013 04:37:25 -0700 (PDT), /[email protected]/:

By the way, this question appears more appropriate for the Maven Users
mailing list - you may get better answers there:

It's not even at this stage really a Maven question - it's a question of
clarifying why a build system, any build system, in the context of a CI
environment is useful for app development, period.

As one example, why would it make sense to use Maven and Hudson for a
web app, but not use those for (hypothetically) developing the web
server itself? Which latter is, of course, a standalone app.



Stanimir Stamenkovæ–¼ 2013å¹´4月13日星期六UTC+8下åˆ11時31分45秒寫é“:
Sat, 13 Apr 2013 08:14:45 -0700 (PDT), /[email protected]/:

Why do you think it is not possible to build a standalone app using

a continuous integration server like Hudson - what's the difference?

Have you seen Eclipse which builds quite a lot of desktop

components, uses Hudson too?


i used husdon to build a war and auto deploy to my tomcat every 1 hour, so when i browse to my tomcat, i always see the my latest webapp. If i am doing standalone app, even hudson can build a jar for me, i still need a lot ofstep to run it manually, so i think it is not a great advantage.

One point I agree with maven is that it can manage the dependence version more easily. But this is not a very bid advantage for me. That why i ask thequestionin here.

Stanimir Stamenkov

Sun, 14 Apr 2013 00:27:15 -0700 (PDT), /[email protected]/:
i used husdon to build a war and auto deploy to my tomcat every 1
hour, so when i browse to my tomcat, i always see the my latest
webapp. If i am doing standalone app, even hudson can build a jar
for me, i still need a lot of step to run it manually, so i think
it is not a great advantage.

One point I agree with maven is that it can manage the dependence
version more easily. But this is not a very bid advantage for me.
That why i ask the questionin here.

As Arved Sandstrom points in another reply, your question doesn't
even seem Maven related, but more about "clarifying why a build
system, any build system, in the context of a CI environment is
useful for app development". I think CI server may be useful for
any application - verifying 1) the automated build of the product
works (being Maven or not), after latest changes checked into the
source; 2) the product works as expected after running whatever
automated tests have been created for it.


advantage is , i [sic] can use husdon [sic] to do continue integration,
this not very possible to a standalone app

Actually, it is very, very possible.

Simply tell Hudson to run the Ant build.

i [sic] used husdon [sic] to build a war and auto deploy to my tomcat [sic]
every 1 hour, so when i [sic] browse to my tomcat, i [sic] always see the my
latest webapp. If i [sic] am doing standalone app, even hudson [sic] can
build a jar [sic] for me, i [sic] still need a lot of step to run it
manually, so i [sic] think it is not a great advantage.

What do you mean by "run it manually"?

You can set up Hudson to create a Java WebStart source for the app so you can
run it in one step.

So no, you do not need a lot of steps to run it. Unless one is a "lot".
One point I agree with maven [sic] is that it can manage the dependence
version more easily.

More easily than what?
But this is not a very bid advantage for me.

Isn't it?


hi i used husdon to build a war and auto deploy to my tomcat every 1
hour, so when i browse to my tomcat, i always see the my latest
webapp. If i am doing standalone app, even hudson can build a jar for
me, i still need a lot of step to run it manually, so i think it is
not a great advantage.

just in case: maven is just a build system, hudson provides continuous
integration and for that it supports maven or many other build systems.

the goal of continuous integration is not that "you seee your last app"
at any moment, but to verify that the app is always in consistent state
at any moment, and that you will know if it is not. this verification is
done by running automated tests when anything changes.

now, these automated tests you have to write yourself, and the tools
needed for this depend entirely on the type and purpose of your apps and
on what you want to test. if you do not have automated testing for that
app then continuous integration is of little value. it may be even
dangerous. some kitten could die, man!
One point I agree with maven is that it can manage the dependence
version more easily. But this is not a very bid advantage for me. That
why i ask the questionin here. thanks

if you alerady use maven and your next project fits, i guess the natural
choice is to keep using maven. the less tools the better, but choose
wisely :)

Arne Vajhøj

I can feel the advantage of using maven to build webapp, please tell me what is the advantage of using maven for build standalone java app?

The advantages are:
- automatic retrieval of the dependencies
- simple build script if you structure things the Maven way
similar to other types of applications.

For simple desktop apps these benefits may not be so important, but if
you use Maven for other types of apps and very familiar with it, then
it may still make sense to use it for you desktop apps as well.


Arne Vajhøj

Sat, 13 Apr 2013 04:37:25 -0700 (PDT), /[email protected]/:

Out of curiosity, what advantage do you feel about using Maven to build
a webapp? Why your feeling doesn't apply for building a standalone java

Java SE apps are often much simpler in both dependencies and
packaging than Java EE apps.

But yes - it is fundamentally the same.


Arne Vajhøj

i used husdon to build a war and auto deploy to my tomcat every 1
hour, so when i browse to my tomcat, i always see the my latest
webapp. If i am doing standalone app, even hudson can build a jar for
me, i still need a lot of step to run it manually, so i think it is
not a great advantage.

Double clicking on an executable jar file does not count as many
steps in my book.

It is approx the same as clicking on the bookmark in your web browser.
One point I agree with maven is that it can manage the dependence
version more easily. But this is not a very bid advantage for me.

No. But if you use Maven for other types of apps, then you should change
the question from "Are there reasons why I should use Maven for desktop
apps?" to "Are there reasons why I should not use Maven for desktop


Arne Vajhøj

Sat, 13 Apr 2013 04:37:25 -0700 (PDT), /[email protected]/:

By the way, this question appears more appropriate for the Maven Users
mailing list - you may get better answers there:

If the question is about how to use Maven: yes.

If the question is whether to use Maven: maybe - skill level
may be high but so will the bias be!


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