Mark McIntyre said:
like what?
Who said there was anything funny or bad about being russian?
You need to get a sense of humour. You also need to follow the link I
posted, and read all about the stuff that ART produce. Or rather, that
someone decided on the 1st of April many years ago, to pretend they
Mark, if you feel I need a better sense of humor, so be it, but in return
I'd like to ask you to be more polite, watch your mouth. Yes, I've been to
that site and found the fun stuff you were talking about DS9K. That's fine
with the site and the jokes about DS9K, C, even the photos of my ass are OK
(no, I'm not saying, I'd taken a few and I or anyone else liked them, no,
but if you want I can make a few for you, if you're so interested in my ass
. What is not OK, IMO, is when such jokes include relation to me as living
in Moscow/Russia or being Russian, or something else of my personality,
pointing to the fact that I'm different (from you or eveyone here, doesn't
matter). To me such a joke is more of an insult, in which that particular
difference thing is *the cause* of the insult. How would you feel if I and
someone else (two or more people) called you twice or more times an American
dumass and apparently emphasizing your being American? And that isn't really
far from the thing you wrote. Wouldn't you consider that something's wrong
about these people or yourself? I would and I believe it's not just me who
would. Mind you, I had two such responses in less than a week. I hope you
didn't mean it and I don't ask for any apologies, but I beg you not to do it
anymore, neither unconsciously nor on purpose. People may not like it.
Worse, you can't be sure that none decides to beat you up for such your
words. Some people would consider beating you up as a perfect response. So,
don't tempt the fate, or there may be someone after your own ass.