Antoon Pardon
Op 23-06-13 18:35, Steven D'Aprano schreef:
Which is why I don't understand that the python standard library still
contains that kind of code. At least it did in 3.2 and I saw nothing
in the 3.3 release notes that would make me suspect this has changed.
Please don't. This is false economy. The time you save will be trivial,
the overhead of inheritance is not going to be the bottleneck in your
code, and by ignoring super, you only accomplish one thing:
- if you use your class in multiple inheritance, it will be buggy.
Which is why I don't understand that the python standard library still
contains that kind of code. At least it did in 3.2 and I saw nothing
in the 3.3 release notes that would make me suspect this has changed.