what is wrong with "cout " syntax?? a trial program



Scoots said:
oops, had my own logic flaw up there, sorry.
Program worked as expected with:

// test.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
// > #include "stdafx.h" // NOT standard
#include <iostream>
// > #include said:
#include <cstdlib>
> using namespace std;
#define FORWIN
int main(){ #ifdef FORWIN
// GNU/Linux or ?
#endif // FORWIN
cout <<"Enter the base:\n"; double base( 0.0 );
cin >> base;
if( not cin || base == 0.0 ){ /* failure */ /* cin.clear();*/}
cout <<"Enter the exponent:\n"; int exponent( 0 );
cin >> exponent;
if( not cin || exponent == 0 ){ /* failure */ /* cin.clear();*/}
double new_base( base );
for( int i( 0 ); i < exponent-1 ; ++i){ file://changed this!
// > new_base = new_base * base;
new_base *= base;
} // for(i)
cout <<"The final powered output is :\n" << new_base; #ifdef FORWIN
// GNU/Linux or ?
#endif // FORWIN

James Kanze

mahesh wrote:
BTW you original program looks fine, several people have said that it
works for them. So either the code in your post is not the same as the
code you are running, or you have a seriously broken compiler. My bet
would be the former.

There may also be something in his environment that means that
his input (from cin) isn't working correctly. His original
program is NOT fine; it doesn't verify that the input has
succeeded. Anytime you read a variable, and then use that
variable before having verified that the input has succeeded,
the code is incorrect.

James Kanze

(though you are right, an single add is faster than a
single mult).

Except when it isn't. On my machine, floating point addition
and multiplication take exactly the same time, and I rather
suspect that this is true for most modern machines.


You should see a difference on a VERY large number of operations,
particularly in say, matrix multiplication. Certainly not on the
level of exponentiation. It also depends on your processor, as
multiplication is probably frequent enough they'd have include a pipe
for it. (and yes, I know that's not the correct term).

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