what's the difference between value-initialization and default-initialization?


Alf P. Steinbach

* Ron Natalie:
There is an implicitly defined consturctor (admittedly rarely actually
causing executable code), but it depends on what the definition of B

Right. Sorry about the typos ("B" instead of "b", and unstated
assumption of PODness). The point remains: if B is a POD it will not be
initialized (the standard states in §8/9 that it will have an
"indeterminate initial value", as opposed to being default-initialized).

Not relevant to that point, but I think relevant to those who might read
this: regardless of B's PODness, without a user-defined constructor POD
members won't be initialized here (§12.1/7).

To ensure initialization you need a user-defined constructor, even
though as I exemplified earlier that's not an absolute guarantee, only
an effective guarantee for sensible code.

This is actually the who reason the term "value initialized" was

Nope. The object b above is not value-initialized. It's either not
initialized at all, or if non-POD, the default constructor is called.

Value initialization applies to an expression such as


see §8.5/7, and the intent is that the effect of this expression should
not depend on whether there is a non-POD member or not: that this
expression should always give some initialization of all members,
zeroing all POD stuff.

James Kanze

Must have been a long day for Ron and Alf. The parameter to 'b'
has type 'pointer to function taking no arguments and returning B'.
It is the same as:
B b( B (*)() );

Is it ok to ignore the "*" while still have the same meaning?
"type arg" is not a "standard format". Some simple declarations
look like that, but the syntax for declarations is more complicated,
with "arg" sometimes coming in between different parts of "type".
For example, int x[5]

Indeed, :)
Huh? (Post some code to illustrate what you mean).

I made the mistake of thinking this init "b" and realised I was
You have one step too many (I think). A temporary object is default-
constructed, and then 'b' is copy-constructed from that object.

I see, so the additional temp object is only created if a function is
returning, is it right?


James Kanze

Is it ok to ignore the "*" while still have the same meaning?

More the reverse. According to the standard, it's permitted, je
even required, to pretend that the "(*)" is there, even when it
isn't. The type expression "B()" declares a function; if we
wanted to give it a name, we would write "B f()". The standard
says, however, that when we declare a function parameter to have
a type "function", it is treated as a "pointer to function",
much as when we declare an array, it is treated as "pointer".


More the reverse. According to the standard, it's permitted, je
even required, to pretend that the "(*)" is there, even when it
isn't. The type expression "B()" declares a function; if we
wanted to give it a name, we would write "B f()". The standard
says, however, that when we declare a function parameter to have
a type "function", it is treated as a "pointer to function",
much as when we declare an array, it is treated as "pointer".

I see, thanks a lot!


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