Joel VanderWerf
Ezra said:Hopefully we will never have a method called zygmuntowicz ;-)
But I thought =~ was pronounced "zygmuntowicz"!
Ezra said:Hopefully we will never have a method called zygmuntowicz ;-)
Selon Joel VanderWerf said:But I thought =3D~ was pronounced "zygmuntowicz"!
That's it. I'm legally changing my name to <=>.
Sincerely, Mr. Spaceship.
We doubled our number of core-method-named people at RubyConf this
year, thanks to the presence of Adam Keys as well as Jim Freeze.
I'm still holding out for Matt Tainted? or Joe Instance_variable_get.
And if anyone legally changes his or her last name to a core method,
he or she will be admitted free of charge.
Whew... I was thinking I must've _way_ underestimated my LOC!
irb(main):002:0> nathaniel.to_i
=3D> 122
Speaking at every RubyConf helped
So did I probably ..austin.to_i # => 120
David said:Hi --
The operator formerly known as Joel....
Hal Fulton said:Nahh. Larry's OK. Better to have a Wall in your car
than a car in your wall.
Christian said:I wanna be flip-flop then! Don't deprecate me.
2005/10/29 said:I'm a little late getting into this thread thanks to a little storm
called Hurricane Wilma (that is the price for living in the tropical
paradise that is Florida.) At least I have power now.
Anyhow I got a 67, which isn't bad considering the 2-3 years I was out
of the community. My participation in RubyConf 2001 helped my score
considerably (since I had the t-shirts made I consider myself an
Also I'm trying to remember who I drove in my car back at RubyConf
2001. I'm not sure if matz was in that group, but I remember the car
was full (myself and 4 others.) Anyone remember being driven in a blue
Lexus IS300 by me back at RubyConf 2001?
Anyhow, thanks for this Hal, it was very interesting, and like James
said it makes a nice "things I should be doing in the Ruby community"
Yeah, but #freeze belongs to the top class, Object.
Only way to beat that is to be in Kernel. Know anyone
named 'puts' or 'fail'?
Kero said:There are enough hits on "Mr Rand" and "Mr Trap" on google
And "Mr Loop" is there, too.
It gave me 500 Ruby Number.
Heh: I beat Matz!!!
It helps to be giving 2-4 Ruby talks/week
Hal said:I offer this in the spirit of the old "purity test" and the
"nerdity test" that was derived therefrom.
Don't take it *too* seriously. All point weights are strictly
my opinion and are subject to change.
Version 1.0 follows... cut, paste, run. Or just cut and run.
def add(n)
@sum += n
puts "#{n} points (#{@sum} total)"
def yorn
print "(y/n): "
ch = gets.chomp
ch=='y' ? 1 : 0
@sum = 0
puts "First, three background geek questions:"
puts "How many degrees in computer science do you have?"
deg = gets.to_i
puts "In what year did your write your FIRST program in any language?"
fp = gets.to_i
div4 = ((Time.now.year - fp)/4.0).ceil
puts "How many years have you worked in a software-related job?"
yrs = gets.to_i
div4 = (yrs/4.0).ceil
puts "\n----------------------"
puts "And now the Ruby stuff:"
puts "In what year did you start using Ruby? (4 digits)"
yr = gets.to_i
partial = Time.now.year - yr
puts "In what year did you start reading the list or newsgroup? (4 digits)"
yr = gets.to_i
partial = Time.now.year - yr
puts "How many (non-vaporware) entries do you have in RAA and/or Rubyforge?"
raa = gets.to_i
puts "How many Ruby conferences have you assisted in organizing? (US or other)"
conf = gets.to_i
puts "Have you assisted in forming a local user's group?"
local = yorn
puts "At how many Ruby conferences have you made presentations?"
conf = gets.to_i
puts "How many Ruby conferences have you attended?"
conf = gets.to_i
puts "Now, some book questions."
puts "Translations and newer editions count separately..."
puts "How many Ruby books list you as an author?"
book = gets.to_i
puts "How many (other) Ruby books have you contributed to?"
book = gets.to_i
puts "How many (other) Ruby books mention your name?"
book = gets.to_i
puts "How many unique Ruby books do you own?"
books = gets.to_i
puts "Do you own a domain name (with content) including the word 'ruby'?"
dom = yorn
puts "Approximately how many packages of yours are now in the core or stdlib?"
core = gets.to_i
puts "Is your name Yukihiro Matsumoto?"
matz = yorn
puts "Is your name Dave Thomas or Guy Decoux?"
dave = yorn
puts "Is your name: Nobu Nokada, Shugo Maeda, or Minero Aoki?"
nobu = yorn
puts "Do you know any Japanese?"
japan = yorn
puts "Is Japanese your first language?"
japan = yorn
puts "Have you ever written Ruby for pay?"
pay = yorn
puts "Estimate your total lines of Ruby code written."
loc = (gets.to_i/5000.0).ceil
puts "How many Ruby presentations have you made (outside RubyConf)?"
nconf = gets.to_i
puts "How many of your Ruby packages have been downloaded >500 times?"
over500 = gets.to_i
puts "Ever had an RCR accepted?"
rcr = yorn
puts "That's all... your Ruby Geek status is measured at #@sum."
puts "Have a great day, and keep coding!"
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