First: I did appreciate your words and your taking the time to rerun
the program. Sorry if I sounded irritable.
No. It was the loop termination condition that was the hardest to
understand. I don't mean I can't read the C, I just don't know what the
abstraction is for the C (i.e. what it "means").
The program does have a few comments, including one immediately
before the for statement you snipped:
/* Loop to play tricks forward until the outcome is conclusive */
for (tnum = won = success = 0;
success ? ++won < need : won + ohsize >= need + tnum;
tnum++, P++, success = IS_CONT(pwin)) {
I assumed an understanding of whist and game search -- the loop
terminates when it is known either that contract will succeed or
won't succeed (and "success" will tell you which.)
I was wrong, it doesn't hang. It does just take a few minutes.
To change the subject, I was pretty sure the program would
run the 2nd input if it could run the 1st. Why? *Because it doesn't
rely on anything.* Some programs have code like
foogle_gark(CanonPrinter, DVI_Level17, REV14_3);
/* remember to ask Tony if we need to change this for
* Rev 14.4 (when line speed exceeds BAUDLIMIT_39) */
My program depended only on printf(), etc. which haven't changed
since the Pleistocene. And even the cheapest cell phone today
has enough memory to run it.
Well, if you decomposed what you have into a few small functions (with
their own local variables ...)
Studying the program I believe you'll find that to be undoable.
You'll either need lots of global variables, or unwieldy state-
passing in both directions.
Until then, your words
You can dismiss my comments if you like, but I wasn't pedantic about
anything. I didn't say anything like "this code uses goto and therefore
is bad" I said "This code is hard to read, and here's some examples of why".
I apologize. My point was very badly phrased and, anyway, directed
more at another poster who over-generalized. I stand by my essential
point: My 200-line program is harder to read than a 500-line program,
but many programmers would construct a 2000-line solution if they could
do it all. Let's wait till the alternative is on display before
declaring it more readable.