Which audio / video formats?


Travis Newbury

Is Mac OS X more widely used than Linux?

Depends on the industry. In the graphic design world, I would guess
MAC is more popular than LINUX by about 100 to 1. (that is a
completely made up statistic so don't even ask me for a reference)

Toby A Inkster

Ben said:
Is Mac OS X more widely used than Linux?

Difficult to know for sure, as it's hard to count the installed base of any
particular operating system -- harder still for freely downloadable open
source ones.

However, when you add in the other BSDs, that's probably enough to tip the
balance in BSD's favour.

Toby A Inkster BSc (Hons) ARCS
Contact Me ~ http://tobyinkster.co.uk/contact
Geek of ~ HTML/SQL/Perl/PHP/Python*/Apache/Linux

* = I'm getting there!

J.O. Aho

Travis said:
The overwhelming majority of the world has the ability to use Flash.
Please feel free to live in denial and proclaim Flash is nothing more
than beta-max.

You misunderstood things, betmax was the better option, flash is like vhs.


"Travis Newbury said:
Yes. Upload your video (quite a few formats are acceptable), wait
about a day for them to encode it, then download it from their site.
There are a ton of tools that let you download (or just grab the full
URL of the video on their servers) My kids use something called
"Ook", it is a FF extension that will either download the FLV or give
you the URL of the FLV to use. Both my 22 year old son and 11 year old
daughter do this all the time for videos on their MySpace. (Their dad,
a self proclaimed Flash god, built them custom video players for
MySpace so they don't have to use that nasty YouTube player)

There are also several freeware, shareware, and commercial options for
encoding the video yourself. But they are obviously OS specific.

Thanks for this, Travis. Will be going there in a flash. Frankly
I would consider allowing you to formerly adopt me and then I get
to get what your kids get, you will sit there custom building
things for us three. What will you care if I am not a Republican,
I will be more important, one of your own with rebellious views.

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