Just curious: what are the main characteristics of "nineties-style C++"?
Style like of all C++ frameworks that work. Low usage of namespaces
and so there are prefixes ("old fashioned"), low usage of templates
("invasive"), remarkable usage of preprocessor ("legacy") or code-
generating tools (again all the bad names).
Large and wide framework because reliable and portable standard
library is assumed to be missing. So most bricks (these things are
made of) are present in framework. Significant part of these bricks
are reinvented for supporting concurrency and interprocess
communication. Concurrency is OTW into C++ language two decades after
it was needed so no wonder. Likewise boost defines its own containers
and smart pointers for networking.
I suggested ACE as one of several available and working alternatives
to raw chewing of C socket API or the like that Ian Collins described
like main reason why his C++ code is pile of unmaintainable
'(sockaddr*)&s_addr' crap. I nowhere said that ACE is single available
shiny and modern way out of it.