Software C/C++ (and other programming languages, too) have been
doing this for YEARS. Microsoft calls its solution "intelliSense".
It's in Developer Studio (VC++/VC##, VB.net/etc.).
The first time you (sucessfully) compile the project's source-code,
the class/variable browser registers every user-defined identifier
(typedef, class, function, struct, union, built-in type int/float/char) with
the editor.
Then, as you type source-code, the browser pops up a 'helper'
box. For function-calls (including the C/C++/Windows standard
library), it shows the argument-names and their data-type. I guess
you could call it dynamic annotation. You can jump to the definition
of the object under the cursor, at any time. (For standard library calls,
this is less useful -- most of the compiler header-files are unreadable
Yeah, intelliSense does this for many contexts.
Though it sounds like you additionally want some form of AutoCompletion,
combined with context-sensitive editing.
doing this for YEARS. Microsoft calls its solution "intelliSense".
It's in Developer Studio (VC++/VC##, VB.net/etc.).
The first time you (sucessfully) compile the project's source-code,
the class/variable browser registers every user-defined identifier
(typedef, class, function, struct, union, built-in type int/float/char) with
the editor.
Then, as you type source-code, the browser pops up a 'helper'
box. For function-calls (including the C/C++/Windows standard
library), it shows the argument-names and their data-type. I guess
you could call it dynamic annotation. You can jump to the definition
of the object under the cursor, at any time. (For standard library calls,
this is less useful -- most of the compiler header-files are unreadable
As long as we are talking about our "wish list", I would also like an
editor that was smart enough to complete words and sentences in my
HDL. There are any number of ways that a program can track what you
are doing and try to anticipate your actions as you type. For
example, if I am creating a clocked process and typing an assignment
for a signal or variable , it would be nice to have the software know
that it needs a definition and an initialization in the reset portion
of the process. So as soon as I enter the assignment, it would take
me to the appropriate spot for the definition and start it for me to
complete followed by the same for the initialization in the reset
section of the process.
If I am typing a "with" statement, I want the software to see the word
"with" and put the rest of the structure on the screen for me to fill
in the blanks. I find all the typing to be tedious and error prone,
not to mention that after all these years, I still don't have the
syntax memorized and keep a small stack of books by my elbow.
Yeah, intelliSense does this for many contexts.
Though it sounds like you additionally want some form of AutoCompletion,
combined with context-sensitive editing.