Which is better, C or C++


Default User

Jack said:
Each of them is both better than the other.

Questions like this will get you plonked as a troll in short order.

I plonked him a while back for some other shenanigans.



Jacek said:
Define "better".

adj. Comparative of good.

1. Greater in excellence or higher in quality.
2. More useful, suitable, or desirable: found a better way to go; a
suit with a better fit than that one.
3. More highly skilled or adept: I am better at math than English.
4. Greater or larger: argued for the better part of an hour.
5. More advantageous or favorable; improved: a better chance of
6. Healthier or more fit than before: The patient is better today.

Chris Hills

Mike said:
So why did you ask him/her?

In comp.lang.c++, C++ is best.
In comp.lang.c, C is best
In comp.lang.fortran, fortran is best
In comp.lang...

HERETIC!!!! FORTH is the only true Path

Chris Hills

Which is better for general-purpose programming, C or C++? My friend
says C++, but I'm not sure. Please enlighten me. Thanks!!!!!


It has all the features of C, plus more feature like classes,
inheritance, polymorphism, templates.

The C Programming language is dead in my mind.[/QUOTE]

Though C is far more widely used and is likely to out last C++

Vladimir Lushnikov

Well of course C++ is better. I mean, do you really want to go to
comp.lang.c group to find out? Ignorance is bliss ;)


OK, I made my mind up: I'm going to become a C++ purist; I live for the
day when compilers that adhere to C++0x come out :) Why is C still
around anyway? We don't need it, we have the glorious C++!!!! And what
are your thoughts on CC++ (not a typo; it stands for Concurrent C++, a
direct superset of C++ that also natively supports multiprocessor

Chris Hills

OK, I made my mind up: I'm going to become a C++ purist; I live for the
day when compilers that adhere to C++0x come out :) Why is C still
around anyway? We don't need it, we have the glorious C++!!!!

Because most embedded systems use C. There are a lot more of them around
than PC's by an order of several magnitudes. from 8-128 bit MCUs For
many of the targets there are not C++ compilers.

That said on a PC C has virtually died out. I think that given that Java
C# and C++/CLI from MS is predominate in the PC world C++ is likely to
die out before C.

However that does not answer the question as to which is better. IT
depends what you are doing. If most of your work is going to be on a PC
then go for C++.

Jeremiah Tesla

That said on a PC C has virtually died out. I think that given that Java
C# and C++/CLI from MS is predominate in the PC world C++ is likely to
die out before C.

Still, can a large-scale project which requirements include high-performance
(think AAA games, 3D related software, etc) really rely on C# in its current

AFAIK C++ is has just a small overhead on top of plain C in term of raw
performance while C# has a much bigger one.


Jim Langston wrote in message ...
Protoman... I remember you.

I just wish outlook had a ploink file.

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Bo Persson

Protoman said:
Why would I get plonked? I'm just asking a simple question.

Which fruit is better for general consumption, apples or oranges?

To answer your question, we will first have to agree on what we mean
by "better" and "general-purpose".

That will never happen. :)

Bo Persson

Neil Cerutti

adj. Comparative of good.

1. Greater in excellence or higher in quality.
2. More useful, suitable, or desirable: found a better way to go; a
suit with a better fit than that one.
3. More highly skilled or adept: I am better at math than English.
4. Greater or larger: argued for the better part of an hour.

So C++ *is* better in at least one sense. Though I wouldn't want to
try to construct that sentence.

Personally, I defer to Protoman's friend on these matters.

Stefan Arentz

Jeremiah Tesla said:
Still, can a large-scale project which requirements include high-performance
(think AAA games, 3D related software, etc) really rely on C# in its current

AFAIK C++ is has just a small overhead on top of plain C in term of raw
performance while C# has a much bigger one.

Why don't you do a benchmark of the two and see if the overhead is *acceptable*
for the project.



A "good" C programmer will make a "better" C++ programmer. You could
always program in C++ and have the compiler output C code (clumsy in
several applications).

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