Which is more efficient:STL:Set or array?



I conclude that I can continue with set for now with a small set of
elements in it but if I am going to have a >50 elements in the set I
must consider vector and use the unique algo while deleting the
duplicates with erase.
I took the path of set for the ease of use and did not consider any
efficiency of it. I want to delay the effciency topic until my testing
shows I need to optimize my code here.
Is my conclusion correct?

Pete Becker

CodeCracker said:
I conclude that I can continue with set for now with a small set of
elements in it but if I am going to have a >50 elements in the set I
must consider vector and use the unique algo while deleting the
duplicates with erase.
I took the path of set for the ease of use and did not consider any
efficiency of it. I want to delay the effciency topic until my testing
shows I need to optimize my code here.
Is my conclusion correct?

Generally speaking, yes. On the other hand, if you're writing CAD
applications, every byte is important, and profiling is irrelevant:
always make things small. <g>


Pete said:
If you're going to populate your array once and then not change it
you're probably better off with a vector, because it uses less memory.

vector<whatever> vec(first, last);
sort(vec.begin(), vec.end());

when you need to find something, use

find(vec.begin(), vec.end(), X)
It is sure this using find is very elegant and efficent. But I've been
feeling pluzzl about how to create X for find. Is there any complex
example for defining X? eg. the comparison is not a primitive type like
int, float, etc...


Pete Becker

sam said:
It is sure this using find is very elegant and efficent. But I've been
feeling pluzzl about how to create X for find. Is there any complex
example for defining X? eg. the comparison is not a primitive type like
int, float, etc...

The three-argument version of find (and of binary_search which, as was
pointed out, is the right one to use <g>) takes an object of the type
that the iterator points to. The four-argument version takes an object
of an arbitrary type and a predicate that compares the object that the
iterator points to with the passed object.

struct data
int value;
// other stuff

struct predicate
bool operator()(const data& obj, int val)
{ return obj.value == val; }

binary_search(vec.begin(), vec.end(), 3, predicate());

Richard Herring

E. Robert Tisdale said:
You are confused.

Not in the least. I consider whether a class matches my requirements,
not what its name happens to be.
An object *is* what it *does*.

I see you're getting the point. What it does, not what it's named. "is"
was in quotes above for a reason, referring to someone who said:
It is either a set or it isn't.

when they probably meant something more like

It is either being used for its set-like behaviour or it isn't.

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