(e-mail address removed) (Dan Pop) writes:
(e-mail address removed) (Dan Pop) writes:
It's like saying "it rains every day" and then trying to save your ass
by claiming that "unless it doesn't" also applies to it.
No, that analogy is faulty. It would be a good analogy if I had said
"expressions of array type retain their array type in /every/ context",
and then later claimed that there are exceptions to "every context".
But that's not what I actually said.
This is what you actually implied, by not mentioning the possibility of
In <
[email protected]>, you replied to my statement
struct {
char a [3];
} foo;
`foo.a' has array type.
with the statement
Nope. The type of this expression is pointer to char.
You didn't mention any exceptions.
There are NO exceptions, as long as we are talking about this expression.
Does that mean that the expression
`foo.a' has type pointer-to-char even when it is operand to the `sizeof'
In this case, it is NOT an expression, it is a subexpression in a larger