Hmmm... it would be interesting to see if these tests can be used with
I assume you are referring to the pytest tests I posted, though I would
need some of the context you snipped to me more sure ;-)
Anyway, with some changes[1], they can.
The odict implementation now has full functionality by the way.
The one at
? It seems to be unchanged.
Optimisations to follow and maybe a few *minor* changes.
Anyway, test of the above results in:
C:\UTIL\\..\py.test test
============================= test process starts =============================
testing-mode: inprocess
executable: d:\python-2.4b1\mingw\python24.exe (2.4.0-beta-1)
using py lib: D:\bpy24\py-0.8.0-alpha2\py <rev unknown>
test\[28] FF...FF..FFFF..FFF..........
___________________________ entrypoint: test_sanity ___________________________
def test_sanity():
d = CandidateDict()
assert d.keys() == []
assert d.values() == []
assert d.items() == []
assert d == d
d = CandidateDict([(k,i*100) for i,k in enumerate('abcde')])
E assert repr(d) == "%s([('a', 0), ('b', 100), ('c', 200), ('d', 300), ('e', 400)])"%Can
> assert "{'a': 0, 'b': 100, 'c': 200, 'd': 300, 'e': 400}" == ("%s([('a', 0), ('b', 100
('c', 200), ('d', 300), ('e', 400)])" % CandidateDict.__name__)
+ where "{'a': 0, 'b': 100, 'c': 200, 'd': 300, 'e': 400}" = repr({'a': 0, 'b': 100,
c': 200, 'd': 300, 'e': 400})
Apparently you are still using plain dict repr format, not a format that could (ideally) be exec'd
to reconstitute the thing repr'd.
Since the test uses CandidateDict.__name__, it should work either way.
__________________________ entrypoint: test___init__ __________________________
def test___init__():
d = CandidateDict()
assert d.keys() == []
assert d.values() == []
assert d.items() == []
assert d == d
d = CandidateDict([(k,i*100) for i,k in enumerate('abcde')])
E assert repr(d) == "%s(%r)"% (CandidateDict.__name__, d.items())
> assert "{'a': 0, 'b': 100, 'c': 200, 'd': 300, 'e': 400}" == ('%s(%r)' % ('OrderedDict
[('a', 0), ('b', 100), ('c', 200), ('d', 300), ('e', 400)]))
+ where "{'a': 0, 'b': 100, 'c': 200, 'd': 300, 'e': 400}" = repr({'a': 0, 'b': 100,
c': 200, 'd': 300, 'e': 400})
(Duplicate from test_sanity)
________________________ entrypoint: test___delitem__ _________________________
def test___delitem__():
d = CandidateDict([(k,i*100) for i,k in enumerate('abcde')])
print mkresult('abcde')
assert d == mkresult('abcde')
ditems = d.items()
print d['b']
print d.items()
del d['b']
assert d == mkresult('acde')
del d['a']
assert d == mkresult('cde')
del d['e']
assert d == mkresult('cd')
d = CandidateDict([(k,i*100) for i,k in enumerate('abcde')])
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
def __delitem__(self, key):
>>> d = OrderedDict(((1, 3), (3, 2), (2, 1)))
>>> del d[3]
>>> d {1: 3, 2: 1}
>>> del d[3]
Traceback (most recent call last):
KeyError: 3
# do the dict.__delitem__ *first* as it raises
# the more appropriate error
E dict.__delitem__(self, key)
> TypeError: unhashable type
- - - - - - - - - - - test___delitem__: recorded stdout - - - - - - - - - - -
{'a': 0, 'b': 100, 'c': 200, 'd': 300, 'e': 400}
[('a', 0), ('b', 100), ('c', 200), ('d', 300), ('e', 400)]
You don't appear to accept slice operation syntax directly on the instance
__________________________ entrypoint: test___repr__ __________________________
def test___repr__():
E assert repr(CandidateDict()) == '%s([])'%CandidateDict.__name__
> assert '{}' == ('%s([])' % CandidateDict.__name__)
+ where '{}' = repr({})
+ where {} = CandidateDict()
________________________ entrypoint: test___getslice__ ________________________
def test___getslice__():
d = CandidateDict([(k,i*100) for i,k in enumerate('abcde')])
E assert d[2:4] == mkresult('cd')
> TypeError: unhashable type
Again, no slice op
__________________________ entrypoint: test___add__ ___________________________
def test___add__():
d = CandidateDict([(k,i*100) for i,k in enumerate('abcde')])
E assert d+d == d
> TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'OrderedDict' and 'OrderedDict'
No addition defined on OrderedDicts?
__________________________ entrypoint: test_reverse ___________________________
def test_reverse():
d = CandidateDict([(k,i*100) for i,k in enumerate('abcde')])
E d.reverse()
> AttributeError: 'OrderedDict' object has no attribute 'reverse'
No reverse
___________________________ entrypoint: test_insert ___________________________
def test_insert():
d = CandidateDict([(k,i*100) for i,k in enumerate('abc')])
E d.insert(1, ('x', 101))
> AttributeError: 'OrderedDict' object has no attribute 'insert'
No insert
___________________________ entrypoint: test_items ____________________________
def test_items():
assert CandidateDict().items() == []
d = CandidateDict([(k,i*100) for i,k in enumerate('abcde')])
assert d.items() == [(k,i*100) for i,k in enumerate('abcde')]
E assert d.items[:] == [(k,i*100) for i,k in enumerate('abcde')]
> TypeError: unsubscriptable object
Only d.items() ?
____________________________ entrypoint: test_keys ____________________________
def test_keys():
assert CandidateDict().keys() == []
d = CandidateDict([(k,i*100) for i,k in enumerate('abcde')])
assert d.keys() == list('abcde')
E assert d.keys[:] == list('abcde')
> TypeError: unsubscriptable object
Only d.keys() ?
___________________________ entrypoint: test_values ___________________________
def test_values():
assert CandidateDict().values() == []
d = CandidateDict([(k,i*100) for i,k in enumerate('abcde')])
assert d.values() == [i*100 for i,k in enumerate('abcde')]
E assert d.values[:] == [i*100 for i,k in enumerate('abcde')]
> TypeError: unsubscriptable object
Only d.values() ?
============ tests finished: 17 passed, 11 failed in 1.36 seconds =============
[1] I changed the tests to use a CandidateDict alias, and eliminated a couple of checks
on internal state, so as to allow different implementations to be tested, using
CandidateDict.__name__ to synthesize alternate expected representation strings.
I made the test selectable if run interactively instead of directly via pytest:
[17:43] C:\pywk\ut>py24 test\
Enter selection [1..2] (q to do nothing)
for importing candidate odicts
1: from ut.creordict import Creordict as CandidateDict
2: from clp.odict import OrderedDict as CandidateDict
"from ut.creordict import Creordict as CandidateDict"
is selected. Type "Yes" exactly (w/o quotes) to accept: Yes
============================= test process starts =============================
testing-mode: inprocess
executable: d:\python-2.4b1\mingw\python24.exe (2.4.0-beta-1)
using py lib: D:\bpy24\py-0.8.0-alpha2\py <rev unknown>
test\[28] ............................
================== tests finished: 28 passed in 1.03 seconds ==================
Not sure they way I did it is a good idea, but anyway I can just add a little
boilerplate at the bottom of a test and a text file with the choices (which are
one-line sources that get written to test_... so the test can do from test_... import CandidateDict
and have the chosen class by the name it uses for both.
Bengt Richter