why does rss/maker not raise errors?


Sam Roberts

Domo arigato gozaimasu!

Also, is anybody working on adding Atom support?

I'm about to read through some of your code to get ideas on implementing
a vCard Maker on top of my vCard library. It might be interesting to add
Atom support, but not if you or somebody is already planning it.


Quoteing (e-mail address removed), on Mon, Nov 15, 2004 at 12:12:51AM +0900:

tony summerfelt

RSS standards are an endless debate I don't want to really be a big
part of.

when i was in the process of creating rss code for my blogging program
i wasn't surprised to find a few different versions of rss out there,
but i WAS surprised to find a few standards for each and no real
consensus on what to use...

i gave up on trying to use various rss modules so i just wrote brute
force code...that way if there's an error/consensus/bug, i can just
fix it directly...

it seems that most of the updated aggregators are more forgiving of
the various standards, but they never used to be...it's one of the
reasons i was jumping around with readers...

Sam Roberts

Quoteing (e-mail address removed), on Mon, Nov 15, 2004 at 06:33:09AM +0900:
when i was in the process of creating rss code for my blogging program
i wasn't surprised to find a few different versions of rss out there,
but i WAS surprised to find a few standards for each and no real
consensus on what to use...

Its quite strange to see, isn't it? I wonder if it's purely caused by
ego investment in RSS, or whether its maybe driven by commercial
interests wanting to be the ones to have authored THE spec.

Its particularly strange given how simple RSS is, at least 0.91. There
only seems to be a dozen tags commonly used, its about as simple as you
can be and stil be an xml packet.
i gave up on trying to use various rss modules so i just wrote brute
force code...that way if there's an error/consensus/bug, i can just
fix it directly...

I've a friend who wrote an RSS reader, he said pretty much the same
thing. He eventually threw away any thought of using xml, and ripped
what he needed out with regular expressions. Ouch.


Kouhei Sutou


In <[email protected]>
"Re: bug: rss/maker is requiring <image> for rss/0.9" on Mon, 15 Nov 2004 01:11:56 +0900,
Sam Roberts said:
Domo arigato gozaimasu!

Douitasimasite. :)
Also, is anybody working on adding Atom support?

I'll do if I need Atom. But (luckily) currently not.

# And I don't know Atom spec. Is it still pre-draft?

Sam Roberts

Quoteing (e-mail address removed), on Sun, Nov 14, 2004 at 03:11:38PM +0900:
I'll think about it.

Could you think about RSS::parser.parse as well, because it is also
returning a mysterious nil.

I am parsing the RSS feed from 'http://dwlt.net/tapestry/getfuzzy.rdf'
when it returns nil, and I have no idea why, do you?

Btw, at least some people think it is a valid feed:



#!/opt/local/bin/ruby -w

require 'open-uri'
require 'rss/0.9'
require 'pp'

FEED = 'http://dwlt.net/tapestry/getfuzzy.rdf'

feed = URI.parse(FEED).read

# pp feed

rss = RSS::parser.parse(feed)

pp rss # --------> nil!

rss.items.each do |item|
pp item
pp item.link
pp item.description

Kouhei Sutou


In <[email protected]>
"RSS::parser.parse returning nil... (was Re: why does rss/maker not raise errors?)" on Sun, 2 Jan 2005 06:52:46 +0900,
Sam Roberts said:
Could you think about RSS::parser.parse as well, because it is also
returning a mysterious nil.

I am parsing the RSS feed from 'http://dwlt.net/tapestry/getfuzzy.rdf'
when it returns nil, and I have no idea why, do you?

Sorry, RSS Parser isn't supporting RSS 0.90.

Happy new year!
# But this is too late. :<

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