Papadopoulos Giannis said:
Hey, I'm not disputing your choice, only the denomination "shortest". If
you want to write ugly code, be my guest
In the typical case I thought the pointer to be an int.
In the typical case, some kinds of pointers may look similar to some
kinds of integers. Note that, contrary to what many people think, modern
desktop computers aren't always "the typical case", though. If it works
on your Wintel box, that doesn't mean it's normal.
For example, it isn't all that long ago (ok, in computer hype terms it's
ancient, but 10 years isn't long ago, honestly) that "the typical
desktop machine" ran MS-DOS, and pointers could be longer than ints
depending on how you compiled your program.
I tried on win and linux and managed to carry around a pointer in an int.
What you may get away with on a desktop toy may not work on a real OS.
Unless, in other implementation a pointer is more than just an int..
It is never _more_ or _less_ than "just an int" - it is something almost
completely different.
What you're saying is similar to the claim that home addresses are just
a number - after all, post codes can be coded into a number without loss
and so can house numbers. It works perfectly, doesn't it? Well, as long
as you don't look over the border it may.
But different countries (read: machine architectures) have different
post code schemes (read: pointer formats), so your encoding may fail if
you move to Italy (read: the Z80). Ok, so some countries may have
different schemes, but surely you can encode addresses in numbers
everywhere, and at least stay valid within that country, in all
countries (read: pointer<->int encodings may not be portable between
machines, but surely the code itself can be used on all computers)?
Well... Some countries don't even use post codes, but some other kind of
addressing (read: some computers use weird pointer formats). And some
may use different post codes within different provinces or states (read:
segmented architectures exist). So no, addresses aren't numbers, and
pointers aren't integers, let alone plain ints.