P.J. Plauger said:
Sorry, I was being cute at the cost of some precision. And I certainly
didn't intend to be insulting with that statement
I know you didn't. That's one reason why, it coming from you, I wasn't
My point was that you *can* write malloc calls
without casts only because the C committee gave them special
But this isn't true! You can write malloc() calls without casts because
malloc() returns void *. Now, void pointers have special dispensation
from needing casts; but this has nothing specifically to do with
malloc(). It's a general property of void *s, also often used in qsort()
callback functions, for example.
I have trouble feeling wrong when I'm trying to state a more
ecumenical position than damn near anybody else in this thread.
Your ecumenicality on casts has nothing to do with the above sentence;
you are simply provably wrong on _my_ position on casts, which is a
level of opinionatedness extra

IOW, regardless of which of us is right about casts, you're wrong about
It's fine with me if you adopt this style, particularly having thought
it through. It's less fine that you and others absolutely refuse to
let in the possibility that well meaning people might arrive at a
different conclusion on such a delicate matter of style.
Ah, well, you see, that's because I've ever only heard of three
arguments for the cast, and several against; and those against are of
higher quality than those for.
For the casts, we have "I have customers who need to compile this on all
kinds of compilers, and I cannot hand-gear my code for every single
situation" (you, and AFAICT, nobody else); "But it breaks when I compile
my C code on my C++ compiler!!!" (all newbies in the world, seemingly,
and Tisdale); and "The code with the cast is more solid and type-safe"
(several kinds of trolls and confused newbies).
The first argument, yours, holds some water, but only in exceptional
circumstances. Now, _you_, in fact, are in exceptional circumstances,
being an implementation writer and creator of code for others, so this
argument holds water for you. I don't think I've ever seen anyone else
in c.l.c to whom it applies, though.
To the second argument, one need only say "Well, don't do that, then",
just as to people who complain that their C code won't compile as Java.
As for the third argument, it is demonstrably false; and has been shown
to be false repeatedly in this newsgroup.
If you know of any other argument _for_ the casts, one which applies to
your average programmer and not just to someone who, like you, has
special requirements, and one which actually stands the test of c.l.c,
I'd love to hear it.
Against casting malloc(), we have several arguments, ranging from
shorter typing and less cluttered code, through the demonstration that
code without the cast, written properly, is actually _more_ solid than
code with it, to my own more philosophical argument that _any_ warning
sign is bad when over-used, because it devaluates the warning where it
is necessary; the "cry wolf" argument. All of those have been argued
more than once (or twice, or a thousand times) here; I have never seen
any of them properly refuted.
In the end, then, we may come across as somewhat curt, sometimes; but
that is because all these arguments have already been brought forward,
they're now just being re-hashed over and over again, and we've all
already made up our minds, in a perfectly rational way, a long time ago.
And each time Mr. Tisdale, or someone else, pulls out yet another
re-statement of the same tired old "but C is just C++ stripped down, and
I want to compile C as C++", we, at least I, do get just a little weary.
But that doesn't mean we haven't thought about it. We _have_, over and
over again; that's the reason.