Among the terrible consequences of this, one of the lesser but still
notable is that someone with the power needs to edit to
remove the link to
That is sad, and probably the first time I've been truly burnt by an online
That is, while I imagine someone may have his "freaky freaky sandbox"
somewhere, I'll no longer be able to point people to that amazing
introduction. It was something like fifteen or twenty minutes, even for non-
programmers, and served as an amazing introduction to Ruby and programming in
Perhaps I'm being selfish, but I think that's one thing I'll miss the most.
Much of his other work has been either saved or replicated somewhere (many
seem to be using Nokogiri instead of Hpricot these days), and while I enjoyed
his sense of humor, I found the poignant guide to be confusing more than
anything else.
But that in particular, and perhaps where Hackity was eventually going -- I
actually sat my mother down with that, and she was able to understand what was
going on, and had fun doing it.
I suppose what's creepy now is looking in Google Cache and seeing him describe
himself as someone "who will die young and make no lasting impression." Like
everyone else here, I hope he's alright.