Why python doesn't use syntax like function(,,x) for default parameters?


Antoon Pardon

Op 2006-03-10 said:
Actually, I consider the unique calling pattern for x/range to be something
of a wart. Learning this inconsistency was at least a minor problem. It
is a rather extreme example of typing laziness beats purity.

Well then we can at least agree on that.
Given that enumerate() eliminate many uses of range(), it might be worth
considering requiring the start param. range(0,n) only takes two more
keystrokes. Better maybe to shorten range to rng to get them back ;-)

I can't use enumerate that much. I usually work with a Table which is
like a list, but the index can start at any integer value. Enumerate
doesn't work well with a table.

Antoon Pardon

Op 2006-03-10 said:
Actually, I consider the unique calling pattern for x/range to be something
of a wart. Learning this inconsistency was at least a minor problem. It
is a rather extreme example of typing laziness beats purity.

Given that enumerate() eliminate many uses of range(), it might be worth
considering requiring the start param. range(0,n) only takes two more
keystrokes. Better maybe to shorten range to rng to get them back ;-)

Take the split method of strings. Personnaly I would prefer to be able
to write:


Instead of having to write


The reason is that None is IMO an implemenation detail here. Also
the alternative


doesn't work in this case.

What may be an option for the future is a Default Object. So that
if you have.

def f(x=0,y=0):


f(Default, 5)

would be equivallent to


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